I love my wife, watching movies, eating good food, cars, tech stuff, games, laughing, music, hanging out with friends, making fun of people (i mean having fun with people) stuff like that
1. Jesus 2. Myself when I was young (to tell me to stop screwing around.) 3. Myself from the furture to see how I turn out (so he can tell me to stop screwing around.)
I like music. Nothing can set a mood like music. Actually my life has a sound track, ask my wife, we have had countless perfect songs on the raido when we had an arguement, misunderstanding, or mood. Crazy
I love movies, someday I want to make a movie, just have to finish my script.
I like watching, dare I say it.... HGTV, and news. What I have learned from these two shows is that you can paint anything and people are stupid.
my wife has these
Starts next monday, get your dvr's ready.