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I am here for Friends

About Me

..The Ultimate MySpace Survey
General Questions
What Is Your Full Name?: MC
How Old Are You?: 22
When Is Your Birthday?: 11.8.86
Where Were You Born?: i know your gonna be surprised...but a hospital
What Color are Your Eyes?: brwn
What Color Is Your Hair?: the same
How Tall are You?: 6'3 or 6'4 on a good day
What Is Your Favorite Personal Physical Feature?: dont have one
How Many Siblings Do You Have?: 1 brother
What Is Your Favorite Kind Of Music?:post grunge
What Is Your Least Favorite Kind Of Music?: poppy bullshit
Who Is Your Favorite Artist/Band?: Bsquared
Do You Wish You Had Some Sort Of Music Talent?: be a bass master : )
Do You Play An Instrument?: bass
Do You Like To Sing?: if im drunk
Do You Like To Sing In The Shower?: sure why not
What Is Your Favorite Type Of Movie?: one that has an actual meaning
What Is Your Favorite Movie?: check the movies sections slick.
Who Is Your Favorite Actress/Actor?: adam sandler/don cheadle/jonah hill
Do You Think Movie Stars Should Make Less Money?: well soldiers and leaders of the gov. get less than them so yea
What Are Your Favorite Sports?: football, basketball is alright
Who Are Your Favorite Teams?: wolverines,bengals,pistons,indians,avalanche
Do You Enjoy Going To Live Sporting Events?: i would if i had any $$$$
Do You Play Any High School Sports?: i did other stupid extracurriculars...
The Party Life
Have You Ever Gotten Drunk Before?: o yes
Do You Like To Attend Parties For Fun?: i dont attend them for lame boring times
Do You Do Drugs?: not so much
Have You Ever Tried Drugs?: guilty
Have You Ever Drank For Fun?: with friends,its not fun getting drunk by myself
What Is The Best Thing About A Party?: chillaxin with the homies
Do You Have Any Tattoos?: 3
Do You Have Any Piercings?: one
Do You Want More Tattoos/Piercings? wouldnt mind
Do You Attend Church/Temple/Moske?: NO
What Religion Are You?:somewhere in between atheist and non-denominational
How Committed Are You?: if it being to work on time, not very
Are You Saved?: ive elected hell
Do You Read The Bible/Torah/Koran Daily?: do i read at all daily is the real question...
How Often Do You Pray?:about as many times as you reading this have seen me pray
Are You Into Fixing Up Cars/Trucks?: hell yea import tuners are the shit
What Kind Of Vehicle(S) Do You Have?: civic coupe
What Is Your Dream Machine?: i like lancer evo's alot
Video Games
Do You Play Video Games?: HELL YES
How Many Hours A Day Do You Play Video Games?: im not a couch potato
Have You Ever Played A Video Game So Long You Forget To Eat?: resident evil 4 baby!
What Is Your Favorite Game?: call of duty 2
What Is Your Favorite Game Type?: FPS
What Game Are You Most Excited For In The Future?: RE5
Xbox 360 Or PS3?: 360 ftw
Do You Like Shopping?: "howm i supposed to be happy when all i ever wwated comes with a price"
What Is Your Least Favorite Kind Of Shopping?: wherever the prep stores are at.
How Many Times A Month Do You Go Clothes Shopping?: nil
What Are Your Favorite Things To Shop For?: exotic sex toys from the middle east
How Many Pairs Of Sunglasses Have You Bought?: i cant pull that look off
How Many Sandals Do You Own?: like 1 and a half my dog ate half of it.
Happiest: i would have to say Joyqua
Hottest: she knows.
Smartest: kelley.she is the teacher after all
Dumbest: you
Religious: joy or josh. almost none of my friends are really religious
Athletic: my brother alex
Nerdiest: them fags who play WOW win hands down
Nicest: kyle
Meanest: jeff
Concieded:a few at times...mostly them chicks lol
Craziest: Devin.. hands down here
Funniest: theyre all hilarious
What Is Your Favorite Kind Of Food?: BDUBS baby
Starbucks or Jamba?: starfuckers,inc. cuz alex works there
What Is Your Favorite Meal?: mango habneros fer sure : (
Do You Like Fish?: if im dyin and it would save probably die
Are You A Healthy Eater?: when i am hungry i eat food
Cookie Dough Or Oreo Ice Cream?: neither
Do You Call it Soda Or Pop?: pop. cuz im not a fag lol
What is Your Favorite Soda?: its pop fag.....but def. mt.dew
What is Your Favorite Alcoholic Drink?: liqour is ok im a 151 man myself:)
What Is Your Favorite Kind Of Desert?: chocalate starfish in hot dog flavored water
What Does Your Dream Relationship Consist Of?: sex drugs and rock and roll.not really tho
What Is The Most Important Thing In A Relationship?: i think the previous one pretty much summed it up.
What Is Your Dream Date?: me.u. on a beach.long walks. fuck that/
Do You Believe in Abstenence Until Marriage?: if i did i already fucked that up
Does Your Mate Need To Be Taller Than You?: i dont think i would date her if she was 6'4 +
How Long Would You Wait To Kiss After Meeting Someone?: till the feeling is right...
How Soon Do You Want To Get Married?: dont know if i ever do
How Many Children Do You Want To Have?: evan and gabe are enough for me haha
How Long Would You Walk To Find Your True Love?: a million fafillion ga-zillion miles and counting....
Do You Believe in True Love?: no, just good matches but not perfect
Have You Ever Been in Love?: i was...but bitches exist in this world
Last General Information
What You Like to Do for Fun?: play with myself.
What Size Shoes Do You Wear?: lucky 13
Do You Like Animals?: more than humans actually
Are You A Good Student?: not really
What's Your Dream Job?: anything i honestly enjoy.
What Do You Do For a Living?: i sell lightbulbs!!!!!!!
Do You Like Your Job?: i love to hate it
If You Had One Wish, What Would That Wish Be?: get rich & chill with the npc's forever
Do You Love Your Family?: yea i would kill 4 the people i CONSIDER my family
What Do You Think is the Most Important Thing in Life?: waking up at 3pm. any normal perosn would agree
What Do You Think About When You're Alone?: how to not be alone
What Do You Dream About?: the stupidest shit imaginable hahaha
What Do You Fear the Most?: jokingly the red rings of death on my 360 or that life is meaningless in all seriousness
What is Your Most Missed Memory?: i miss matt and kelley back when they were matt and kelley
Are You the Trustworthy Type?: loyalty is very high on my values
Do You Like Poetry? If So, Who's Your Favorite Poet?: i like poetry but dont read it much. music lyrics are a form of poetry
What is the Best Way in Which You Express Yourself?: probly trhu writing. like this. in between my ADHD moments and attempts at humor there is truth
Aqua Teens Hunger Force

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

rappers, rockers,skaterz, girls, guys , dudes, bitches, pimps, hoes, superheroes, dogs, cats, phatrabbits and of course... RED HANDED

My Blog


Posted by on Sun, 07 Jun 2009 16:43:00 GMT