art. bikes. blowing bubbles. cutting hair. dancing. day dreaming. excitement. freckles. fresh air. friends. gardening. gingerale. hebrew. israel. jasmine. jews. judaism. knitting. lavendar. learning new things. liquor. love. making clothes. mermaids. movies. music. naps. nature. oranges. otterpops. photography. pink. playing. public transportation. q-tips. rain. rainbows. reb shlomo. rollerskating. sculpture. ships. singing. smell of wet pavement after it rains on a hot day. stories. surprises. swimming. torah. traveling. under garments. unicorns. vacations. vegetables. water. whiskey. x rays. you. zionism. zippers
someone who can make me the ultimate mix tape
apples in stereo. azure ray. belle and sebastian. benfolds (five). blonde redhead. bob dylan. body snatchers. brett cutts. carol king. cream. damien jurado. dj eric rosen. elliot smith. faces. gang starr. generation x. heart. hot hot heat. idan raichel. iggy and the stooges. janis joplin. jj fad. johnny thunders. joni mitchel. journey. komeda. le tigre. matisyahu. mc5. mirah. moot (mark e deutsch). moshav. nathan asher and the infantry. nico. operation ivy. patsy cline. postal service. pretty girls make graves. queen. rancid. rav shmuel. reb shlomo carelbach. rilo kiley. skatalites. the smiths. so called. sonic youth. the specials. the stranglers. teapacks. teenage fanclub. television. that dog. the valley arena. velvet underground. the who. wu-tang clan. x-ray specs. yael meyer and the holy rockers. yeah yeah yeahs. yoni bloch.
troop beverley hills, ushpizin, walk on water, wet hot american summer, cecil b. dimented, personal velocity, virgin suicides, amelie, the holy land, slc punk, true romance, peices of april, switchblade sisters, But I'm A Cheerleader, royal tennenbaums, rushmore, harold & maude, quadrophenia, ghost world, heathers, crown heights
I am Tzeitel!
Take the Fiddler on the Roof quiz at ChaiSpace.com
Which SLC Punk are you?
you are...well....Trish. youu like to change your hairstyle a lot.....like once a day. you love Heroin Bob, and your friend's girlfriend killed him
i seriously don't ever watch tv anymore, maybe it's because none of my favorites are on anymore.
You are Audrey Horne. You're spoiled and
manipulative, but you're also whip-smart and
indomitable. You always get your way, even if
you first have to get into deep trouble. You
are so feisty and independent that you like to
think you need no one -- unless, of course, you
WANT them -- but in fact, what you really need
is a good friend.
Which Twin Peaks character are you?
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Which Sex and the City Character are you?
You are CARRIE! The very classy, sleek, sexy, and always stylish Carrie Bradshaw. Things dont always work out for you when you want them to, but somehow fall into place later in life. You may have had some trouble with relationships, but for the most part, they were worth it. You still very much care for the men you once loved, no matter how many times you feel the need to start over.
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as a driven leaf, the empty chair (rav nachman), valley of the dolls, burnt bread and chutney, stitch 'n bitch, the color of water, torah, talmud, the alchemist
THEN and...
Reb Shlomo z"l (and holy brother Avraham Sand)
Rav Kook
Rav Nachman of Breslov
Ba'al Shem Tov