Artists like: Salvador Dali, H.R. Giger, Lois Royo, Brom, Escher,Derek Hess,Pushead,Picaso,Basquiat,Van Gough,Alex Grey,Michael Whelan, Edvard Munch, Jordu Schell, Rob Bottin, and Nick Blinko
Disorder!,Rudimentary Peni,Agoriphobic Nosebleed,Mr Bungle,Assuck,Behold the arctopus,Cephalic Carnage,Chaotic Dischord,Dystopia,Caduta Massi,Cyrcle of dead children,Aphex Twin,Noisear,The Prodigy,Very neon Pet,Apocalyptica,Stack,Japanese Torture Comedy Hour,PigDestroyer,Bauhaus,Amebix,Ministry,Dyshythmia,Tragedy , the work of Walter now Wendy Carlos on A ClockWork Orange Soundtrack, I will end with that cuz this can go on forever.
A Clockwork Orange,The Thing
H.R Giger