....... Oh joy, the self description. Mmm k, here goes. I am basically a nomad. Ok, not really, but with the number of times I have moved in my life many might think so. Here is the "short version" - I was born in the LA California area, grew up in Connecticut, moved back to Cali for "college" in '88, relocated to Portland, Oregon for a few years in '93 and then made my way down to south Florida (SoBe Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, etc.)in '96 where I have been for more than 10 years now. In March '07 I moved to the west coast of FLA near the town of Port Charlotte where I stayed until February of '08. Currently I am living in the small city of Vero Beach in a brand new home and I plan on being here for quite some time. I am an entrepenuer of sorts as I refuse to work for someone else making them rich while I watch. While being self employed can be a tedious endeavor, I feel the positives far out weigh the negatives of working for someone else.
My current business venture deals in the rhelm of safety. Protective Outfitters supplies a hand held safety tool primarily used by law enforcement. The tool resembles a large pair of pliers and allows the user to search suspects or areas without risk of injury to their hand such as puncture wounds from infected needles. Check it out at ProtectiveOutfitters.Com .
More recently, I had considered embarking on another safety device related venture with an old friend who has a great idea for a safety device. Unfortunately, given the current economic status of the US and global markets, we have decided that this is not the appropriate time to pursue such an endeavor.
What I have decided to do is to go back to my personal stock trading. Yes, I know that may sound utterly crazy given the current markets uncertain and unstable nature, but even in the worst markets there is money to be made if you know what to look for amongst the slew of junk. Along with a variety of market research that I do, I also employ the use of a very good software called "Wizetrade." Some of you may have seen the infomercial on TV. While I have read mixed reviews of the program, my experience has been extremely positive thankfully. As long as I pay attention, follow the guidelines the program makers advise and combine with my own additional research, I have had a fair amount of success that provides me with a nice little income. Best of all, it allows me to do it from virtually anywhere there is a high speed internet connection and I am my own boss. US stock markets are basically open Monday through Friday 9:30-4pm est. My hours of "work" are typically 9-11am and sometimes 2-4pm M-F. I do not trade everyday, but rather only when I see something I feel worth getting involved in on a short term basis. Best of all, if I do not feel like working one day, I don't. Trading allows me a great deal of freedom to live my life as I see fit. After all, isn't that what life should be like?
On the personal side of life, I am finally making more of an effort to get myself back into the music scene. What does that exactly entail? Well, in part it means reconnecting with musician friends of my past and working on some studio related projects both redoing old ones and creating new ones. If all goes well, perhaps by Xmas time I will have an album put together. We shall see. Also, I am stepping out a bit more and looking to partake in "open mic nights" at some local bars/clubs. Between that and advertising on http://www.bandmix.com/gmacinvero I might meet some cool local musicians and form a cover band to play a few gigs. That would be a blast. So we shall see what happens over the coming months.
As for more about who I am on a personal level... well that is for me to know and you to find out if you want to take the time. However, I do have a variety of interest ranging from music and other creative arts to travel. As time permits, I will be sharing more detail, but for now ya gonna hafta use your own imagination. If ya wanna know anything, gimme a shout. Cheers!