I'd like to meet:
I've met many of my heroes’ and they were fine; they didn’t let me down cus they owed me nothing anyway. Brought up on a healthy diet of ska, reggae and punk but I’m getting increasingly into rocknroll, rockabilly styles and fashions and i feel right at home.
It's not all about music though. I'm a diarist socialist/syndicalist who likes a bit of open country and the raging sea. Bar room philosopher who thinks too much about stuff like society and the human condition. I hate and love and I ain’t gonna stop till my legs are broke and my heart packs in...and both those have already happened and I aint stopped yet
I'm the latest drummer for
New album 'BLUES ATTACK' out soon
Accepting dep work if anyone needs a drummer for a gig, tour or recording
Got some time on my hands now so I’m looking to make them less idle.Would anybody be interested in having there bands tracks mixed/remixed or maybe a dub version. Including Sound Repair, Editing, extra processing and effects.
Currently working on remixes for the excellent
Check out their myspace and debut album
Whatever Happened to the Likely Lad
I've over fifteen years sound mixing experience. Most recently I’ve done the new Splitters single (Stop the Clock/Trip & Fall) and Roddy Radiations (The Specials) new album. Trouble is with many recording sessions is that the time and money is more often spent on recording than the mixing. I can do professional standard mixdowns of even the poorest of recorded material. I’ll do one track for free for anyone interested.
What’s there to lose?
What I’d need is the ‘Wav’ files from the original recording session. They need to be properly separated (EG Individual audio tracks of Kick, Snare, Bass, Vocal, Kazoo etc). Combined stereo tracks are ok but I can’t mix what’s mixed in them if that makes sense.
It’s best to have unprocessed audio tracks (no effects, eq, dynamic processors) but if you have processing that you want to keep then rendered tracks (with effects, eq etc) are fine.
When I have the tracks I can edit, tidy, process with Equalisation, Compression, Gating, Effects and mix or re-mix depending on the brief and need.
What you’ll get can be….
Final Mix: 24bit, 44.
100KHz audio file (good for mastering); Or
Mastered Mix: 16bit, 44.
100KHz audio file (ready do be broadcasted and printed on audio CD);
Mastered Mix MP3: 196Kbps, 44.100Khz (high quality mp3 for your digital online distribution, myspace page etc).