The Roots of GRASMAAIER were planted in December 2006 when drummer Jip ter Voort and guitarist Sebastiaan Dutilh started playing some metal covers. After several hours of practising the foundation of our first song came together and the idea of a band was created. When created our first 3 songs we where ready for our first gig, we thought. That was the moment where bassplayer/singer Jegor van Opdorp came in and the band started to get shape. Since jegor is now only the singer of Grasmaaier we needed a new bassplayer..... after a short, ruf and lazy search Jasja (Offermans) stepped into the searchlight and a whole new lawn-cutting-machine was born!!!
30/01/09 Wilhelmina Pakhuis
Hieronder een korte impressie van 4 december in de winston:
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