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I want 6 crap shooters for my pallbearers, a chorus girl to sing me a song, place a Jazz band on my

About Me

A recently posted bulletin - from a fellow Cornish class mate - asked the question "what does place mean to you?". As an interiors major I felt fully entitled and completly qualified (in all my academic glory) to answer this question. Place, to me, implies a physical and or emotional connection to space..... I've added a few albums to my pics link. They are a documentation of one of the most important places in my life and the live's of my family. It's my grandparent's home. There was a time when this place, through my grammpy's labor, provided both food and shelter for the Packard family. It was a property zoned by gender and the tasks that coincide with our societal rolls. My grampy, with the green thumb, dedicated most of the back yard to the chickens and his garden (enabling him to povide for eight children and nine grandchildren). A small fraction of the yard was dedicated to the clothes line where, over the span of two generations my grammy has worn a spot in the grass, hanging linens to be sundired. The most primative of human instincts and human tasks evolved to become a part of the the landscape of this space. Though my grammpy has passed and my grammy grows less capeable of maintaining a large property, I do believe that even to this day the hunter/gatherer as well as the nurturer have left a legacy at 41 Pembroke street. My grandfather's bird houses still stand, and continue to contruibute to the survival of the eco system. My grandmother's faith, and the iconography associated with it, has replaced the chatter of children within the walls of the house. Though the clothes line is not back up yet (the septic tank was replaced and the back yard was completely ripped up) it will be soon - and my grammy will maintain her roll with in the Packard landscape just as she always has.

My Interests

Family/friends, traditions, cooking, music, politics, photography, travel, bike riding, writing, sculpture, THE RED SOX, acessable affordable housing for all, animation as a tool for social movement and good old fasioned trashy American popular culture.

I'd like to meet:

Condalisa Rice, cause I'm curious if she's equally as good at lying one on one as she is to the camera. Well hell lets face it, I'd love to meet most of the current presidential administration because truth is not always synonymous with honesty...and though I like to keep my distance from them, people with personality disorders are often very interesting to watch. That's just the bartender in me though.


Soul, R&B, Hip Hop, Aretha Franklin, Chaka Khan, Lucy Pearl, Marvin Gay, Jazz, Nina Simone, Dizzy Guillespy, Cumbia, anything with a tuba or an accordian is wicked fucking awsome, Steve Poltz, Jill Scott, Arlo Guthrie, the folk music my mom listened too and the funk, disco and 70's bootie music my dad listened to when ever I saw him. Anything but butt rock, basically.


Stranger Than Fiction, The Departed, Safe Men (93 Sundance), Little Miss Sunshine, Ice Storm, Old School, Anchorman, Wedding Crashers, When Harry Met Sally, Mixed Nuts, The Jerk, Young Frankenstein, The Big Lebowski, any Cheech and Chong movie.


Six Feet Under, The Office, The Family Guy, Mid Century Warner Brothers cartoons. The Simpsons (Evergreen alumni), The Muppett Show, Charlies Angels, Wonder Woman, Sanford and Son, Welcome Back Carter, The Carol Burnett Show & some good old fasioned trashy reality TV....only on Bravo though.


Still Life With Woodpecker, Me Talk Pretty One Day. Anything written and illustrated by Shell Silverstine, including his adult work....and anything by David Sedaris


My mom, my grammpy and grammy.

My Blog

Popping my blog cherry

Chair 790   I have to say, the thought of a cultural field trip to Bellevue paralyzed me. Much like Superman and Clark Kent, Nouveau Riche and culture have a tendency to never be in the same plac...
Posted by Curvy on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 12:22:00 PST