forms of addiction Addiction takes on many forms. As mentioned before addiction is related to surges of dopamine. Thus meaning most dopamine releasing chemicals or behaviors can become addictions. It is a common misconception that some addictions are worse than others. ALL ADDICTIONS ARE SERIOUS AND DESTRUCTIVE. The very word addiction describes a disorder which causes severe consequences to the addict and anyone associated with the addict. Here is a list of addictions, all of which we treat:Substance Abuse* Alcoholism or Alcohol Addiction * Opiate Addiction o Heroin Addiction o Prescription Painkiller Addiction * Cocaine Addiction and Crack Addiction * Amphetamine Addiction o Meth Addiction o Crank Addiction * Club Drugs o Ecstasy Addiction o Special-K Addiction o GHB Addiction * Hallucinogens o Mushrooms o Acid * Marijuana Addiction * Inhalant Addiction o Huffing * Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids * Prescription Drug AddictionProcess Addictions* Eating Disorders (Bulimia, Anorexia etc.) * Food Addiction (Overeating) * Sex Addiction * Gambling Addiction * Codependency or Control * Cults * Performance or Work-aholism * Shopping * Rage/Violence * Media Addiction * Videogame Addiction * Internet Addiction
intervention services An intervention is a highly structured meeting of friends, family and/or co-workers coming together to inspire an addicted individual to seek help. Addiction is a disease, which involves the symptom of denial. Often times the addicted individual is unaware or unable to see and feel the destruction they are causing. Our intervention services help to increase the addict's awareness of how much they are cared about and how their addiction is affecting those around them. If you are reading this you need to know that you are not alone. Over 20 million Americans are suffering from the disease of addiction and in need of help. It has long been stated that addicts need to "hit bottom" in order to accept help. At Intervention 180, it is our belief that the purpose of intervention is to "raise the bottom" in an effort to safeguard the addict and those affected by their addiction from having to experience the worst consequences of the disease. An intervention is a highly structured meeting designed to help the addict recognize how their use is affecting the ones the love. Family, friends, an organization, co-workers or even the children of the addict can arrange the intervention with us. There are several different formats and styles of Intervention.The Intervention 180 Approach: It is our professional belief that certain types of addiction and mental illness require specific approaches of intervention. To use a confrontational approach with someone who has been traumatized can re-traumatize that individual. At Intervention 180 we are professionals, who specialize in more than just "getting a person into rehab". We go to great lengths to ensure that your loved one is treated with dignity and expertise during the intervention process. Our interventionists, addiction consultants and recovery management professionals are trained in several different clinical disciplines to ensure a holistic experience for all.what is addiction? Addiction is a disease, which is caused by an irregularity of the midbrain, or reward center. It is triggered by unmanaged, severe or chronic stress and characterized by decreased functioning. Addiction is active in two specific receptor sites. These sites manage the release of dopamine. These surges of dopamine create euphoria or "drug high". Certain people are at a greater risk of addiction due to several variable factors. Addiction is a chronic and progressive illness, which, will cause pre-mature death if not treated.Addicts do some bad things but they are not bad people. Addicts have an illness and deserve to receive treatment. Just like those with cancer or any other life threatening illness.For more in depth medical information on addiction please read more of Dr. Kevin McCauley at
is there help? Our highly effective and proven method of intervention not only helps the addict grow and find recovery, but the entire family. By educating families about addiction the family system changes. Once the system changes the addict is no longer enabled to stay in their disease. This helps to create the inspiration, which motivates the addict to accept help. While the addict is in treatment we continue to work with the family to ensure their personal growth and change. Once the addict has completed treatment we help facilitate a re-entry meeting with the addict and the family. We also provide ongoing consultation for the family and the addict to ensure that both parties are continuing the recovery process.
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what is an intervention? An intervention is a highly structured meeting between an addict and their loved ones or co-workers. One, sometimes two, of our trained professionals facilitates this meeting. There are several goals to an intervention. Here are the most important.1. Let the addict know how much they mean to others and that they are worth saving. 2. Motivate the addict to enter treatment. 3. Educate the family about the disease of addiction and the recovery process. 4. Encourage the family to participate in their own recoveries as well as supporting the addict in their recovery. 5. Help the addict transition back into the family and work environments.Intervention 180 provides the following types of Addiction Interventions: addiction intervention (meth intervention, heroin intervention, crack intervention, marijuana intervention, club-drug intervention and other drug interventions), Alcohol Intervention, Gambling Intervention, Intervention for Eating Disorders, Shopping and Accumulation Intervention, Co-Dependency Intervention, Sex-Addiction Intervention and Adolescent Intervention or Troubled Teen Intervention.Intervention 180 also provides Mental Health Intervention Services. These include but are not limited to: Bipolar Intervention, Depression Intervention, Schizophrenia Intervention, Borderline Personality Disorder Intervention and Co-Occurring Disorder Intervention.Due to the wide array of interventions that we provide we combine key elements from the most effective methods of intervention to create a fresh and more versatile style of intervention. There are several styles of intervention, which have evolved since its creation in the 1960's, by Rev. Vernon Johnson. It is important to note, not all addicts are appropriate for the same style of intervention. One Model Does Not Fit All. Our interventionists utilize an eclectic approach and use the most appropriate in models to ensure a tailored intervention for each specific client. This is done to avoid trauma, volatile responses and ensure a positive outcome.Our method of intervention is typically a two-day process:1. Day-One the family, friends, co-workers and interventionist meet. During the 6-8 hour session the family learns more about the disease of addiction and the intervention process. From the intervention team carefully plans the intervention. 2. Day-Two the team meets with the individual they are concerned about to perform the intervention. Once the intervention is complete a designated family member, the interventionist or both with transport the individual to treatment. how does an intervention work? The first step is for you to call us. If you are reading this, chances are the situation is only going to get worse.Addiction is a progressive disorder. Addiction is not a phase that a person grows out of. How much more can you or the addict take? From there, you can let us handle the rest.Here is the step-by-step process:1. One of the Intervention 180 staff will complete the phone assessment process with you and formulate an outline of services, which best meet, your needs. 2. Once the assessment is complete we will refer your case to one of our nationally certified interventionists. 3. The interventionist will discuss your needs and possible treatment options. 4. Intervention 180 will use their national referral base to locate the most appropriate treatment for your loved one. 5. The interventionist will then travel to your location to perform the 2-day intervention process. 6. Day-1 Preparation Meeting: This is where all those who love the addict meet to learn about addiction and the intervention process. All the details of the intervention are arranged for the day of the intervention. This meeting typically lasts from 4-6 hours. 7. Day-2 Intervention Day: All those who attended the preparation will be at the pre-determined location for the intervention. The addict will either be invited or escorted to the intervention depending on the interventionist’s recommendation. The addict agrees to attend treatment and is escorted to treatment by a loved one(s) and a member of the Intervention 180 staff. 8. While the addict is in treatment Intervention 180 will coordinate with the treatment provider on the progress that is being made by the client and updates will be relayed to the family (Providing releases have been signed). 9. Intervention 180 will help network with the family community resources that are available to them in an effort to promote a holistic healing for all who are involved. 10. Collaboration will be made with the client's treatment provider during discharge to help ease in the transition of aftercare.