PAB Booking profile picture

PAB Booking

About Me

Send us a message, and lets see if you fit in with some of our up coming shows.
Currently we are booking:
Music Hates You--Tenth to the Moon--Capibara--El Scorcho (Weezer tribute band)--Baby Dinosaur vs. Extinction--Btchkrft--Hawks--CanCan--Trial by Fire--Richard James--Vera Fang--Pegasi 51--Edd Kemper Trio--the Swear--the Woodsmen--Epileptiques
with more to come...

My Interests


Member Since: 17/06/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Ricky B. the creator
Shane A. the fixer of things
Christy G. the maker of THIS
Macy F. the know'er of cool stuff
Jay E. the do'er of cool shit

Influences: Every band in this city, because being able to put on a good show and help mix up the local scene, so everybody helps everybody, is more enjoyable than any normal person could ever feel!!..... yeah I didn't really understand it either?
Thanks, the Staff
Sounds Like: what ever we want it to.
Record Label: PAB Entertainment / Cat Warrior Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Jews In Bands Please Read This...

If your Jewish and in a rock band, please read this...I (Patrick from CAN CAN) am putting together a compilation CD of rock bands featuring Jews from the USA and Israelis.This is a totally non-profit,...
Posted by on Fri, 27 Feb 2009 07:37:00 GMT


PAB Booking (aka PAB Entertainment) does the following:National Tour Booking For Established BandsRegional (Southeast) Booking For Bands On Our RosterRecording/ProducingEvent Planning + Management (At...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Feb 2009 09:23:00 GMT


I get alot of myspace messages that read like the following, "I have a promising local band and we want to tour.  We live in Oklahoma but we want to play NYC, LA, Seattle, Orlando.  We're bu...
Posted by on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 14:10:00 GMT