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I am here for Friends

About Me

My brush with death. And crazy-ass Hot Sauce.I'm a devoted Lutheran. My full name is Matthew Clinton Waltman. If I could give all of you one piece of advice, it would be to Take It Easy. Life's too short to always be worrying about who you're dating, who likes you, how much you make, what happens after this life, etc. Just live your life (And Love it). It's that simple. You should IM me sometime @ DaCheat531. That would be cool. It pisses me off when parents rant about their kids being shitty people because of their music. Saying that the music is too 'Angry' or too 'Depressing' and whatnot, it's their own bad parenting that made their kids that way, and it's their fault that kids can't distinguish between reality and fantasy. I'm one of the biggest gay rights advocates you'll ever meet. If you beg to differ, who are YOU to tell me my brother's going to hell just cause he's gay? Judge not, lest ye be judged.ASK A NINJA!!!!!!

My Interests

Anything and everything. Except for Math. Math is the anti-christ. Music is cool. I like to play guitar, trumpet, and bass. I also like to sing a trifle. Paintball rules.Lamb Of God - Laid To Rest

I'd like to meet:

If you have your hair dyed jet black and at least one Hawthorne Heights shirt, I don't wanna meet you. You have crappy taste in music. Otherwise, just about anybody. I love meeting people. Doesn't matter who you are, just be yourself and I respect you already.Listen to this for more than thirty seconds. I dare you.CORPSEGRINDER SPEAKS....About WoW. This guy is my hero. Srysly...

Coolest Kids Ever
I have 191 friends.

The Cousin

The Fashion Statement

The Fellow Bassist

The Guitarist

The Drummer

The Amazing Hayley

The Punkass

The Ladies-Man

The Metal Head

The Blue Knight

The Brownie

The Trumpeter

The Piccolo Player

The Neighbor

The Flutist

The Other Piccolo Player

View All of My Friends


I respect any and all kinds of music, regardless of whether or not I like it. Everybody has a different way of expressing themselves, and many do it through music, which is really what music is: an extension of one's personality. But, myself, I listen to mostly metal and rock because of the sheer variety of the genres and their respective subgenres. Although, that's not all I listen to. Everything from Dream Theater to EdGuy, Cradle Of Filth to Van Halen. Boston, Kansas, Foreigner, Journey, Cream, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Jimi Hendrix, Slayer, Lamb Of God, and so, so many more. I'm not one'a those closed-minded people when it comes to music. If it's good, I'll listen to it; no matter what type of music it may be.Amon Amarth - Runes To My MemoryBlack Label Society - In This River (DimeBag Darrell Tribute - R.I.P. Dime)This is why I love Metal so much. Lamb Of God DvD Outtakes.


Hide And Seek, Saw I and Saw II, Silent Hill, Dumb and Dumber, Wayne's World I and II, Hotel Rwanda, Remember The Titans, Tommy Boy, War Of The Worlds (The Old-Skool One), Super Troopers, Super Size Me, The Omen, The Amityville Horror, Freddy Vs. Jason, The Friday The 13th (and Halloween) series', Grid Iron Gang, Metal: A HeadBanger's Journey, and many, many others.


Nothing Really, except for Comedy Central. I don't watch too much TV.


America The Book, It, The Stand, From A Buick 8, several others. I don't really read that much, to be honest.


Above all, God. After that, my brother. He's one of the few people that got me through the hardest time in my life. Without him, I would be dead by now. He's a Godsend, an angel descended from Heaven itself. Rob, if you ever read this, I love you. Always and forever. Some other ones are Jim Carrey, John Petrucci, Ron White, Joe Van Holbeck, Joey Partidge, Chris Taylor, Lauren Silvey, A.J. Palmer, Britney Palmer, Cole Silvey (Pretty much that whole family), Alex Gray, Matt Heafy, Bill Engvall (I saw him live! Yeah!), Zakk Wylde, Ozzy Osbourne, Tom Araya from Slayer (Don't worry, I won't tell anyone you're actually a Christian. GASP!), Randy Blithe, Chris Adler, Willy Adler, John Campbell (Coolest Bass Player eva!), Greg Espenlaub, Chris Westphal, Meg Wichmann, Luke Rose, Mike Hemmer, Eric Van Holbeck, Joe Tamayo, LeAnn Price, Nicole Joy (Love you Coz!), and Meeks.

My Blog

Well, we did it.

It's the same as it is and was every year. We practice for an hour or so, load the buses, frantically dress ourselves in the same goofy-ass garb we do every competition, and walk to the warm-up area. ...
Posted by Maffew on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 10:59:00 PST

Matt’s Pissed!

So, I came home in a crappy mood today, and then I blundered upon yet another literary styling by Alex Michael Gray. I'm still pissed off, just at Emo kids, not so much at the fact that I'm single. ST...
Posted by Maffew on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 08:59:00 PST

First Lasts.

So, today was my last day at the 'Bistro, which brought me to realize something; Senior Year (at least for me) will be a series of lasts (but some firsts.) My last first football game. My last fi...
Posted by Maffew on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 07:44:00 PST

Ok, seriously (Part II!)

(Yet another irreverent tirade that has been brought to my attention. Here we go!) I'm sorry..I'm sorry..if I'm not skinny enough for you to see my ribs.(I'm not, because that's just creepy. And any g...
Posted by Maffew on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 05:28:00 PST

Ok, Seriously.

I'm getting sick of these hopeless guilt trip bulletins. These don't accomplish anything, besides making others feel unappreciative and just generally bad.  These don't raise 'awareness', everybo...
Posted by Maffew on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 02:08:00 PST

Best Day Of my Life

...Took place at Sounds Of The Underground 2007.  For the uninitiated, Sounds of The Underground (abbreviated 'Sounds') is a music festival where 15-something bands that usually aren't very mains...
Posted by Maffew on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 11:28:00 PST


...was a great movie. It was the first movie in a long time to actually 'get' me. It had its fair share of eerie, ominous children, Token black guys, the archetypal 'bleeding wall', cheesy H...
Posted by Maffew on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 10:05:00 PST

Dude, the most badass day ever. For cereal.

Today ruled. First I wake up and found my mom made breakfast (a rarity in the Waltman household). After breakfast, I found out my T-shirts and stuff came in the mail. Then after that (5-ish)...
Posted by Maffew on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 11:36:00 PST

My Bro and I doing what we do best. Being jackasses.

Dacheat531(11:47:22 PM): Dude, I almost died yesterday. Arribous(11:47:42 PM): Bummer. Did you pass out before you could choke yourself to death? Dacheat531(11:47:44 PM): Yeah. Dache...
Posted by Maffew on Sun, 06 May 2007 11:15:00 PST


Many people don't like to discuss racism, but I do! So, in lieu of sidestepping the political landmine like that is racism, I'm going to dive face first into it!   I'm kinda tired of people getti...
Posted by Maffew on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 07:07:00 PST