Playing bass , watching tv films and so on on, phoning people, and going outside messing around.
This is funny lolClutch
i like alot of music my fav bands are metallica and megadeth, ACDC, Clutch other bands which are awesome are foo fighters, offspring, red hot chili peppers, slayer, guns n roses, ramones, sex pistols, deep purple, thin lizzy, iron maiden, nirvana, motley crue and alot moreSCAR TISSUE (Red Hot Chili Peppers)
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i like all the mounty python films holy grail, life of brian, Now for something completely different, meaning of life all great waynes world 1+2, bill and ted 1+2, team america, Baseket ball, school of rock, orange county, beetlejuice nightmare before christmas alot of films i like just to many to name.
TV great shows like family guy, king of the hill, the simpsons (only shows repeats) Music channels like kerrang and scuzz. South park great the ones with kenny are the best. Cartoons are cool too.Futurama great.
Dont really read. except for metal hammer and kerrang mags but that it.
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