Well i really don't like talking about myself offhand, i find that i am better at answering question that way you are bound to know what you really wanna know but i am gonna give this a shot.I am 5'11, black hair (i wear it low or high), brown eyes (i think) ahhh got all my teeth, thankfully. ahhhhI am just about tired though of how people process (i think this is coming fom something i just saw on the tele) so often we (humans) judge people based what we think they should do and who we thing they should be and never take into consideration who they were created to be or what makes them comfortable. We never take their past into consideration, their present or any such thing but we are quick to jump to a conclusion based on out our idealogies of how things should be and fail to acknowledge how they are. I feel as though i am rambling here a bit but i am just sick of how we treat each other where in actuality we have more in common with the people we hate the most than we are willing to acknowledge. Love somone and show them that you love them, care for someone whom no one else could care less about. We might be entertaining angels and not know it! Peace!!!
From the Run Way
Pics are msotly from the Rainforest Collection (Sole's Designs) with a few excetions - #rd Revolt and Dexter Jennings ...(Barbados and Trinidad)