sitten on dem chromed out 22`z profile picture

sitten on dem chromed out 22`z

Welcome To My World

About Me

Im born and raised in the Town !! I live in the Lake Merritt Area in Oakland !! i have no drama, and im going to keep it that way. Im four month out of a year and a half relationship, so I really dont know what im lookin for at this time. So my likes goes something like this: Im open to just about anything !! i love the outdoors, road trips, music ( just about anything that has a nice beat / groove to it )eating out, video games, sporting events, ect. I just love to have a good time. Im hardly ever in a bad mood, im very happy, and im always smiling.So, if you can keep up with me, introduce yourself!! Mattiemessenger: purplebudsx420.. g0tdemgrapes

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