will profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

body {background-position: center right;background-attachment: fixed;background-image: url('http://ly.fdots.com/cc/c6/8aef959557cc66b96a8e3426e556f 504.jpg');cursor: pointer;background-repeat: repeat;scrollbar-face-color: rgb(0,0,0);scrollbar-track-color lazy workaholic, lil over 6 foots tall, lil bit of an artist, or at least thats what almost pays the bills, no idea what to put here... if ya know me send me suggestions i guess..... lol right,.... iam/was the airbrush guy on the amusement pier in ocean city,Md....please be nice, otherwise i'll bite ya....nibble, whatever.sheesh this is hard.... i guess i don't know me that well... i hate sleep, like being busy, hate pain, loathe free time, wanta swing some rattan or bamboo if anyone knows what i mean, but no local SCAdians, just some.. LARP(?)erstooo much padding.. and thats coming from a hemophiliac... ocean city is a fun place to visit, interesting to work, but the winters here are kinda icky... windy as ..as...windy i guess. okay, i got it, i tend to ramble, work, and hang out . there, did i get it right?think i try to be nice and polite, but i'm always honest, like to torment people, if ya made it this far congratulations, from pittsburgh and i miss it there:( i'm stuck here. got a lil munchkin hopefully i'll be seeing her soon:( :) i miss her more than my health:)ah well, um, fairly pragmatic and i try to stay stoic, otherwise i go lil bit batty....otherwise i'm just like everyone else, just slightly tilted, mayhaps twisted and fatigued, i think i need more vodka to finish this, or i'll just grab a droogie to help me.thanks for your continued support.

My Interests

people(who aren't criminally insane),music(most, preferably something ... um..not rambling..)books, movies, drawing ... finding something to draw, um... suggestions?

I'd like to meet:

you, you, and them too.anyone for fun.i think....what kinda question is this? i'd like to meet whoever put bush the non winner of the popular election in office, i'm all for war, but come on.....get it over with already...sorry.um, i think i've met everyone already, i just have a bad memory, my backside is apparently all over myspace, people get a shirt then take a pic of it and put it on here with me painting the next shirt behind them.... rambling again.


T.O.N., switchblade anything:), red hand paddy, stone temple pilots, friends bands, leonard cohen, elder metallica, sisters of mercy, david bowie, billy joel


clerks and series,4rooms,hitchhikers guide, starship troopers, the prestige, munna bhai(both), supertroopers, record of lodoss wars, zombie movies.


M*A*S*H, law and order, heroes, house, farscape, weather channel? haven't watched tv in several months


terry pratchett(discworld), heinlein(stranger, troopers, any), asimov( the first 40 i read), dune(but not the last few, too political),WHEEL OF TIME( thx reddan&hawke/khianrani)and that rainbow mars series:). joel silverburg( um... can't remember name of the series, or if i got the name right... something about a dragon, and freeing slaves, tennetty, carl cullinanae, anyone help?)


disappointment abounds for this section.most friends have turned on me one way or the other, family is loony most times, and i think all other possibilities are fictious. other than that um, steve...ian, dan, earl, myself, and oddly enough Khianrani... lol haven't seen him in many moons....