
Chris "Cubed"

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

Computer science graduate, with a job but looking for a better one. Very lazy when it comes to getting out of bed and doing work, but otherwise enthusiastic and good for a laugh, or a hug!..

My Interests

Computers, 10 pin bowling, martial arts, personal fitness, food and spending time with my friends.Food: Bread related snacks! Drink: Guinness, White Russians

I'd like to meet:

A clone of myself. Failing that, anyone I know in real life, or anyone who would meet me in real life.I'm not interested in meeting you if you're 2000 miles away, or if your only interest in me is to get another 1 added to your friends total, or if you're using Myspace to advertise your band. So if you're one of those, don't add me, ok?


Metal, rock, and anything else which is catch enough to sing along to but doesn't get on your nerves. Favourites include: Foo Fighters, Chillis, Metallica, Megadeth, Rage Against The Machine, Dream Theater, Opeth, Nirvana, Iron Maiden, Muse, Feeder, Audioslave, Dire Straits


I can enjoy almost any film, but here are a few favourites: Matrix, Equilibrium, Pulp Fiction, Star Wars, Boondock Saints, Seven, American Psycho, Clockwork Orange, Mememento and Silence of the Lambs


I don't watch much TV - majority of the time is filled up with boring programs.. But there are a few worth watching.. Or at least there used to be! Comedies: Red Dwarf, EastEnders, Family Guy I have been watching Neighbours almost every day since I was about 3 years old, and I'd defend it to the death.


Recently got back into reading books, small-time fan of Terry Pratchett. Recently read Lord of the Rings, and The God Delusion, just started reading 1984, since I missed it at school.


Dont really have any specific heroes - I'd find it hard to put someone into that kind of elevated status in my mind.. I admire anyone who stands up for themselves, but isn't only self concerned, someone who excels in something but isn't inept at everything else. If I had to pick a role model, I'd have to say my Dad.

My Blog


I saw the group "Cool Ninjas" on myspace and was inspired - it reminded me of when Finn came to a fancy dress party wearing a t-shirt over his head looking like a ninja mask. So, I googled for ninja m...
Posted by Chris "Cubed" on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 06:33:00 PST

Busy Bee

Well, was my 21st birthday last Wednesday, got terribly drunk and suffered an epic hangover lasting 2 days... Finally recovered on Saturday, took my Dad to a gliding club for his 50th birthday present...
Posted by Chris "Cubed" on Tue, 11 Apr 2006 04:33:00 PST