NeW TeChNoLoGiCaL StUff, WaLkiNg, CyCliNg, SwIMmiNg, KaYaKiNg, DrEaMiNg, BaDmInToN, PoOl, BoWliNg, BlAdInG aNd IcE SkAt|nG, BoArDiNg, FlYiNg RC PlaNeS and HeLis
Female Sun WuKong...
TeChNo, PoP (JaY ChOu, S.H.E.), ClaSs|cAL MuSiC, BaNd MuSiC, Rap
Sassy Girl
Chicken and Duck Soup for the Soul, Story Books, Books regarding Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Computer Programming (Visual Basic), Joke Books, Ghost Books