This is Mash Infantry's secondary page. Kind of a "TOP SECRET" page. In a sense that, we haven't promoted this page much and won't promote it too much. This page is where we'll post album material for the lucky ones who happen across this profile.
The main page ( is for a variety of things but, serves the main purpose of promoting the new single(s). On this page however, we won't post ANY single(s). The reason behind all this is basically an experiment we're doing that you can follow along with and participate in.
The songs that will be posted here we feel strongly about...not that we don't feel strongly about the songs on the main page. We're confident in all the music we make. But, in this case, with all the talk about Hip Hop is dead, Music is dead, etc. We want to let these particular songs speak for themselves and pass along through word of mouth...and just see what happens. We are certain that these tracks don't necessarily need much push other than YOU.
So, there won't be any fancy backgrounds or layouts on this profile. Maybe a few banners that lead to our main page, but that's about it. You won't see 5000 bulletins a day. We won't be posting enormous posters, album covers, or long comments that messes up your page. You won't gey ANY invites from THIS page. The only thing we'll do is comment back when you comment and "thank you for the add". So, on that note...enjoy the music, add us, and tell your friends to do the same. Thanks. ONE