I’m Donna, I’m 26 and I come from the Croydon area (but don’t judge me on that)! I try to be a good person and I try to be a good friend, these things are important to me!
I like music (rock, metal, punk and most subgenres of those) and I am very opinionated on it… I spend the majority of my money on gigs, CD’s and merchandise so I believe those opinions are valid – if people like me didn’t spend money on those things bands would still be playing to an empty pub in their hometown!
The rest of my money is spent on my mortgage, bills and alcohol!! I love going out drinking and I love getting drunk… sometimes I may take this too far and behave like a fool so if you meet me when I am drunk please excuse me!
I’m really into body modification - especially piercings, decent tattoos and suspensions. I currently have 18 piercings (used to have 21) and would definitely have more if I could get away with it at work! I have 3 tattoos on my back and will be getting a ¾ sleeve done when my debts are paid off so am currently collating ideas.
I am known for being a little strange at times… notably for fancying people old enough to be parents, for my love of Cowbells and for my David Bowie ‘obsession’. I also like talking about myself in the third person.
I like football and am a lifelong Chelsea fan… I quite often get into arguments about football, usually with men that think girls know nothing about football!
I like getting older as I see it as one step closer to retirement, I also like the wisdom and confidence that age brings.
I like strong, independent people and people that can have a laugh. I like people who can laugh at themselves as well as others and people who would put themselves out to help a friend in need.
I don’t like people who think the world revolves around them and their problems, I don’t like liars and I don’t like people who take themselves too seriously. I also don’t like people who rather than listen, are just waiting for their turn to talk!
I won’t ever pretend to like something I don’t, and will happily admit to liking something everyone else thinks is shit if I think it’s good. I have no interest in trying to appear cool and no interest in trying to be popular.
Well that’s me! You’ll either like me or your wont and I don’t mind either way!
If you want to get to know me better then be my friend like Patrick here....
adopt your own virtual pet!
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