Enjoy your life. You only have one ride through life so make the most of it and enjoy it! PEOPLE ARE NEVER GONNA REALIZE WAT THEY HAVE TILL THEY LOOSE IT! lIFE it's a journey, not a destination..and i just can't tell what will tomorrow bring♥I am a very independent person, who is always true to her friends and family. I am always looking ahead to better myself in anyway that I can. Very loving, caring and I love to joke around. I have lots of goals in my life that I would still like to pursue and intend on doing. Never let anyone put me down or slow me down, because in the end that person wasn’t worth my precious time.♥ ♥ I am the happiest in life that I've ever been. I feel complete - Thank God for my kids, Patricia, Jonathan, Amber and My Love John! I'm all about the family & friends. Life is all about nurturing the relationships that mean so much to me! I work to live - not live to work! ♥ I've heard it said that Life is much like your bank account ... you can only take from it what you put into it. Make today & every day a HAPPY day! ♥ LIVE, LAUGH & L♥VE!! ♥You are BLESSED when you're content with just who you are NO MORE, NO LESS that's the moment to find yourself PROUD owner of EVERYTHING that can NOT be BOUGHT♥~ღ~"You don't like me? I don't c@re!! Don't judge my [email protected] weren't there!! I got @ b@d @ttiitude? for sure!! Give me shit & I'll give you more!!~ღ~ "Attitude is a little thing that makes a BIG difference.Therefore, Attitude is EVERYTHING!"Because I'm sexy and I do what I want (AND THAT SOUND ABOUT LIKE ME :) LOL.KeEp TaLkIn ShIt Yu'Re MaKiN mE MoRe PoPuLaR" ..RELAX BITCH'S...its just myspace... "DNT TAKE LIFE T0 SERIOUSLY NOBODY GETS OUT ALIVE NEWAYZ....♥~NOT EVERY THING IS RAINBOWS AND BUTTERFLIES~♥~
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