dancing, cowboy boots, the perfect shade of yellow, skirts that twirl straight out, big hair, hula hooping, gaudy jewelry, fake hair, turning nothing into something, religious art, snakes, funky tennis shoes, group bathing, when the sun coming up and turns the room blue, naughty pictures, tights, sun glasses, shakespeare, poetry readings, sneezing, ice blocking, water balloon fights, contagious laughter, rats, kisses on the forehead, honesty, fake eyelashes, red lipstick, Mitch Hedburg, the smell of grass, driving somewhere you have never been, the 80's, boys in ties and liner.
people that like themselves. a lot.i want to learn to play the cello, so i would like to meet my cello teacher.someone that cooks amazing vegetarian food.
anything you can dance to.
dirty dancing, flashdance, footloose, girls just wanna have fun, empire records, the notebook, kill bill, star wars, the dangerous lives of alter boys, buffy, mall rats, the dark crystal
they smell of heaven... oh yes.
Courtney Love... yeah, that is right.