Cassi profile picture


aLL AboUt ME

About Me

I wEiGhT 15o PdS, mY eYeS aRe HaZeL, I hAvE lOnG bRoWn HaIr WiTh BlOnDe UnDeRnEaTh, 5'7, ......HoNeSt, cArInG, GrEat LiSteNeR, lOyAL, dEtErMInEd

My Interests

PaRtInG, jEt SkInG, hAnGiNg WiTh FrIeNdS & fAmIlY


I lIkE aLL kInDs Of MuSiC.. rAp, CoUnTrY, CeLtIc, RoCk, GoThIc, TeCnO, GoSpEL !!!


i LoVe ScAry MoViEs AnD ChIk FlIkS; tO nAmE A fEw, TeXaS cHaInSaW mAsAcRe, A wAlK tO rEmEmBeR, sUpErStAr, ThE eXoRsIsT & eLlA eNcHaNtEd.


Tv Is OnE oF mY fAvOrItE pAsTiMeS.. i LiKe To WaTcH...... pImP mY rIdE, tLc, QuEeR aS fOlK, cOpS, & sPoNgEbOb SqUaRePanTs.


i Am NoT rEaLlY iNto ReAdInG BuT OnE Of THe BeSt BoOkS i HaVe ReAd WaS tHe ScArLeT lEtTer By NaThAnIeL hAwThOrNe


mY mOtHeR iS mY hEro

My Blog

another day

This day has went to shit! A typical Monday with a few extra spices! I need a break from the world.. I can't wait for Cancun!! Maybe it will be a real stress reliever. I finally got my diploma! I am s...
Posted by Cassi on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

my day

I had a good day although i have mixed feelings about tomorrow. Tomorrow is the end of my high school years, tears and good times but the beginning of where all the decisions i make reflect on my care...
Posted by Cassi on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST