Infinity Yoga - Michelle Adele profile picture

Infinity Yoga - Michelle Adele

About Me

I’m a fully qualified British Wheel of Yoga teacher and specialise in teaching yoga to children, senior citizens and on a one to one basis. I’ve been on a spiritual journey for as long as I can remember and music is an important part because it’s a communion with the soul. We are all spiritual beings whether we realise it or not and we are playing out our parts in a physical world, learning the lessons presented in this great school we call life.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I live my life to the best of my abilities and cause harm to none. In yoga we have the yamas and niyamas which are basically codes/guides for humans to follow in order to live an enjoyable, productive and enhancing life. One yama is ahimsa. Ahimsa basically means “non violence to all” which also encompasses animals and obviously includes not eating them. I’ve been a vegetarian for most of my adult life and recently became a vegan. People often ask me why I’m a vegan. I ask them why not? It’s clear to me that a shift in perception needs to take place and soon. Animals have a right to live just as humans. They breathe the same air as you and I. They have feelings. They feel pain. They nurture their young. Etc, etc. I could talk forever about compassion for animals but I can sum it up in one sentence. Respect life, go veggie!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Iâ €™m also very interested in quantum physics and have recently been introduced to the DVD “What the bleep do we know”, “Down the rabbit hole” and The Secret. WOW! I love things that encourage you to think outside the box. Over the years many great authors have also influenced my spiritual growth process such as:-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1) James Redfield 2) Dan Millman 3) Louise Hay 4) Stewart Wilde~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield was presented to me many years ago and opened my eyes to the control dramas that humans play in order to gain energy from another. When we come to the realisation that we all have the ability to tap in to a source of infinite energy within ourselves, the need to feed from another diminishes and the quality of our lives is enhanced tremendously. This is a huge shift in consciousness and we move up a notch on the path of spiritual growth.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Da n Millman has been my rock for what feels like eternity! His written word speaks to a deep part of me with a resonance of clarity, knowledge and wisdom. I met Dan a couple of years ago at a workshop in London and am indeed blessed to have received spiritual wisdom from an advanced old soul first hand and in the flesh so to speak. Thank you Dan!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Louis e Hay is my positive affirmation guru and boy does she know how to bridge the gap from darkness to light. We’re all amazing glowing balls of pure potential and our minds are powerful beyond comprehension. Louise shows us in a very wide-ranging and easy to understand way how to become masters of our own destiny. The power is always within.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~St ewart Wilde encouraged me to look at the world with fresh eyes many moons ago. His enigmatic and powerfully positive style encouraged me to believe in myself.

My Interests


Member Since: 08/05/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Michelle Adele
Influences: Music is sacred and needs to be experienced with the mind, body and soul! For me, I have to feel music and it needs to resonate with my soul, which is why I love the music of Bliss.~ ~ ~Bliss are the UK’s best kept secret and Lucinda has the voice of an angel. Once in a blue moon there comes along an artist with exceptional talent and a deep connection to the source, Lucinda has this in abundant quantities when she takes words beyond words and transforms them in to songs of the soul.~ ~ ~Bliss are connected with the Brahma Kumaris and support one of their charities “The Out Reach Project”. This is a children’s orphanage in India and information on this charity can be found on the Bliss website. Later this year I will be organising a children’s yoga day event in order to raise money and awareness for the Out Reach project and Bliss will be coming along to play a couple of songs for us. We also hope to have the local radio and newspapers there for maximum publicity for the cause. Should you wish to make a contribution either in time, donations or suggestions or you would like your children to take part, please do contact me.~ ~ ~Other music influences are:-~ ~ ~1) Enigma 2) Deep Forest 3 Sacred Spirit 4) Afro Celt Sound System 5) The Water boys~ ~ ~These artists understand that music is not just to be heard but also to be felt!
Sounds Like:
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Indie

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