Why Teknopogo? because it's my nickname since school, a gabber attitude on technology.
Using bassline and beatbox without compromise, play what i want with the feeling of the moment.
Computers, programming and networks
Unknown life forms and other aliens
Laura Grabb, Ze Mig L, Moebius, Mono-No-Aware, Monokrom, Communication Zero, R-ZAC, Miss Djax, Mike Dred, Mike Dearborn, The Pump Panel, DJack, Sulfurex, Colone, Armando, greyhound, MissYetti, Somatic Responses, SXonly, ACrash, New Chapter, Christopher Just, Sonar.
Fight Club
It is just an external screen for laptop.
Unix man pages
Tadao Kikumoto, Ken Thompson, Jef Raskin, Linus Torvald, Patrick J. Volkerding, William N. Joy, Marshall Kirk McKusik, Gerhard Behles and Laura Grabb