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About Me

I was 23 years old when the Americans first came to my country. From them I learned my special traits and did things over the next 6 years, I wish I could erase from my memories.I had been a member of Sadaams Republican Guard when I met a man named Joe Inman who would alter the path of my military career. A communication officer, an interrogator, ... a torturer. I have been called all these names, and at times,... have embraced such words.Untill the day Nadia returned to my life I had never questioned my job, nor my ability.But that was another life and a long time ago...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I have spent the past 7 years searching for Nadia. I carried her picture with me through the miles, and years. She had written a message on back that read.."You'll find me in the next life, if not in this one." I would read it often and wonder if she yet lived. So I would search this life for her first.It was at Heathrow Airport from agent Melissa Cole were I first learned that she was indeed still alive. If I were to aid in the recovery of 300 pounds of c-4 stolen from a base near Melbourne.That is what I was doing in Australia,and were I got the information I had searched for, for far to long. She was liveing in a place called Irvine California, where she worked for a medical testing company.Los Angeles was to be my next destination if not for the crash of Oceanic 815. It was while here on this island that I had met and feel in love with Shannon. But alas it ended in tragidy; as do most things I cherish.My only hope now is that I may live to see us leave this place, and once again to find my dear Nadia.

My Blog

They should've come by now... <Sayid, Jin, Sun>

It was the early hours of the morning, and the sun had barely risen above the horizon; yet Sayid Jarrah had awakened several hours ago, unable to sleep due to troubling dreams. Sayid scanned the vast ...
Posted by on Sun, 27 May 2007 15:36:00 GMT