hoLLa here i egregiously would like 2 interact n talk 2 anyone i dont mind at all bout it i hope u always keep in touch with me ...see u :p
I EGREgiously like 2 listen 2 all sort of english songs....
4 me...jesse mccartney n jojo is da best singer i ever know
i also love rn&b n hip hop
da loneliness 4 me is if i cant listen 2 music
Music Video Codes | Myspace Layouts xray'
Music Video Codes | Myspace Layouts name='MediaPlayer' autoplay='true' src='http://www.../asx/13728.asx' type='application/x-mplayer2' width='300' height='300' ShowControls='1' ShowStatusBar='0' loop='true' EnableContextMenu='0' pluginspage='http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/Downloads/Cont
Music Video Codes | Myspace Layouts
ohhh...i cant face it at all.....
*** Fear factor anD wOrLd's apart**$