SCCC Anti-War Collective profile picture

SCCC Anti-War Collective

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

for more information on Banner Art and other cool art pieces by J. Matas, check out his website at STUDENTS AND MOST CERTAINLY VETERANS AND ACTIVE DUTY SOLDIERS-STUDENTS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME TO ATTEND OUR WEEKLY MEETINGS.THE ANTI-WAR COLLECTIVE WILL BE MEETING EVERY WEDNESDAYS THROUGH THE QUARTER IN ROOM 3202, START TIME FOR MEETING.. 1:15PM...YOU KNOW WHERE THE CAMPUS IS LOCATED COMRADES,SO PLEASE STOP BY AND FIND OUT MORE ON HOW YOU CAN GET INVOLVED IN BUILDING A VOICE WITH US BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY GET THE FACTS . HOPE YOU CAN MAKE IT OUT FOR THIS MEETING, IF YOU CARE ABOUT ENDING THE WAR THEN COME AND IF YOU WISH TO BRING A FRIEND...PLEASE DO SO !!!WE HAVE OFFICIALLY BECOME AN AFFILIATED MEMBER OF THE CAMPUS ANTI-WAR NETWORK. HERE IS THEIR MISSION AND UNITY STATEMENT."The Campus Antiwar Network is the largest and leading independent, democratic, grassroots network of students opposing the occupation of Iraq and military recruiters in our schools at campuses all over the country. Since our formation before the war in Iraq began, our unapologetic opposition to the U.S. government's project of conquest and plunder in the Middle East, along with its horrible consequences at home, has been unwavering.Our goal is to unite all antiwar students on colleges and high schools alike to democratically build a broad antiwar and counter-recruitment movement to help bring the troops home now. To this end, we've had a strong presence at every national antiwar demonstration and continue to build countless local actions. We've had national and regional activist conferences and toured GI war resisters around the country.And in one of the most important developments for student antiwar activism this past year, we've helped to spearhead the counter- recruitment movement on campuses, directly challenging the military in its diminishing ability to carry out the immoral and illegal occupation of Iraq. Leading walkouts of hundreds of students, we've already kicked military recruiters off of Seattle Central Community College, City College of New York, San Francisco State University, Southern Connecticut State University, University of California at Santa Cruz, University of Illinois in Chicago, and others.Join us in turning the growing antiwar sentiment across the country into antiwar activism, and stopping the militarization of our schools and unjust war on innocent people. The students united will never be defeated!" Iraq combat veteran and war resister, Agustín Aguayo spoke out the against the War and Occupation of Iraq during his Pacific Northwest tour July 9-17, 2007. With the help from our brothers and sisters in Courage to Resist, the S.C.C.C. Anti-War Collective was able to welcome Agustin and his wife Helga to the Seattle Central Community College for this special event which took place in BE-Room 1110. Joined at the panel and in solidarity were president of the Seattle Chapter of Iraq Veterans Against the War, Chanan SuarezDiaz and Nicole LaBrie,member of the SCCC Anti-War Collective/International Socialist Organization.Upon being introduce and taking the microphone, the audience immediately broke out with a thunderous rhythm of a chant...... "they're are brothers, they're our sisters, we support war resisters."Agustin and Helga spoke adamantly about their families trials and tribulation's from once being a military family to becoming full time grassroots advocates for peace through Agustin's struggle for freedom.Agustín Aguayo, a 35-year-old Army medic and conscientious objector, was convicted of desertion and missing movement March 6, 2007 in a U.S. military court in Germany. Although he faced a maximum of seven years in prison, Agustín was sentenced to eight months in the brig for following his conscience and refusing to participate in war. “Before I left for Iraq I searched deep within me, I concluded that if I go over there I can’t take a life. I ultimately said I’ll go, but I’m definitely a conscientious objector. I’m not willing to cross that line, no matter what I can’t take a life.” Two years later, after his application for discharge as a conscientious objector was denied by the Pentagon, Army Spc. Agustín Aguayo went AWOL in order to resist redeploying to Iraq. FREE AT LAST.

My Blog

jan-20-2009 this historic Inauguration, January 20th 2009 Yes We Can End the War -- Student Anti-War Walk Out and MarchWe voted Barack, Now Get Out of Kabul and Iraq!S...
Posted by on Fri, 19 Dec 2008 18:50:00 GMT

cOnGrATS tO BaRaCK-nOW oUT Of KaBuL, oUt Of iRaQ

Hey Comrades,I just wanted to give you a heads up on our first organizing meetingfor therally and march for Inauguration day this weekend.Name of the Event: "Congrats Barack, Now Out Of Kabul and Out ...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Dec 2008 19:59:00 GMT

Ground Noise And Static

Ground Noise & Static is a joint effort of Franklin López of subMedia.TV and PepperSpray Productions. It is the direct result of a wonderful collaboration with many indymedia-style activists and j...
Posted by on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 09:01:00 GMT

We do Not Support Military Recruiters @ all !!!!

Threats, Lies and AudiotapePosted on Aug 6, 2008By Amy GoodmanIt was like an action movie. A young man held at night in a hotel, threatened with prison. He is to be shipped off to war in the morning. ...
Posted by on Wed, 13 Aug 2008 18:10:00 GMT

Here We Go Again !!!

    To all who helped plan and build, attended, or were inspired by the Northwest Regional Winter Soldier event:    We should all be proud. No regional Winter Soldier has...
Posted by on Sat, 19 Jul 2008 17:53:00 GMT

Blackwater Shadow Army in Iraq - Jeremy Scahill

Blackwater Shadow Army in Iraq - Jeremy Scahill Blackwater's heart of darkness By JEREMY SCAHILL JEREMY SCAHILL, an independent ...
Posted by on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 02:46:00 GMT

The myth of sectarianism

The myth of sectarianism The policy is divide to rule By DAHR JAMAIL IF THE U.S. leaves Iraq, the violent sectarianism between the Sunni and Shia will worsen. This is what Republicans and Democr...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 23:10:00 GMT

Iraq After Basra: Surging into chaos

Iraq After Basra: Surging into chaos By ASHLEY SMITH THE TRUMPETED success of the Bush administration's surge was built on flimsy foundations. They were, principally, the employing of the Sun...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 20:31:00 GMT

John Pilger renowned investigative journalist and documentary ...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 20:09:00 GMT

Depleted Uranium:

Depleted Uranium: Wonder Weapon or Toxic Hazard? 1.Why did the US military develop shells armed with depleted uranium (DU) and did they fully investigate potential healt...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 16:47:00 GMT