I think it is stupid for people to have big egos. These people with big egos do stupid shit... the stupid shit that they do should not go unpunished... lets take for example a young man by the name of Logan. He was caught trespassing and vandalizing a school that he had no relation to... regardless of the politics of the school he was still doing something illegal and something absolutely pointless... haha very funny right?!? some late night humor, kicking out windows and shit, and taking a dump on the busses, oh yes... funny, until you think you are imortal and you cant get caught... but wait, there is a twist... one night your ego is so inflated that you go and get caught. you try to pull off a vandal stunt with cameras thinking that by doing something with an ego as big as yours will somehow increase other bodily sizes (cough 3"), but NO you FUCK FACE.... you get busted and people feel bad. They only feel bad because they are stupid. Once you get in the real world Logan, you cant fuck around like that and people wont be under the idea that you ego relates to other sizes... which it clearly doesnt! so take off the ass tight pants and maybe oxygen will be able to get to your fucking brain...... peace out and for all of you Free Logan Hooper bitches... you will end up in there too. if you think that you ever got busted, there is no way that logan would ever form a free whoever the fuck you are club because he is an egocentric bitch... grow up fuckers... grow up!