i L0vE pLaying thE guitaR and singing at thE samE timE...i aLs0 L0vE dancing, pLaying h0ckEy, tabLE tEnnis, badmint0n, v0LLEybaLL, and dEbating...i'm an avid fan of haRRy p0ttER
...daniEL RadcLiffE...
hE's my L0vE intEREst...f0R suRE...
i'd LikE t0 mEEt c00L pE0pLE 0ut thERE in thE c0RnER...0nEs wh0 aRE tRuE and can spEak thEir minds, wh0 aRE n0t fakE and aLways fun and L0ving!!!...IF Y0U ARE LIKE THAT..I'D LIKE T0 MEET S0ME0NE AS C00L AS Y0U;)...add mE up guyzzz...
[email protected]...
[email protected]...
i'm int0 hip-h0p 0f c0uRsE, s0mE Rap, sEvERaL aLtERnativE s0ngs, dEfinitELy sL0w jams (L0vE s0ngs), and p0p...c0untRy?...n0t REaLLy int0 much c0untRy...but i d0 LikE LEannE RhimEs...and s0mE 0f shania twain's music...hEhhE=)...hERE aRE s0mE...
BCOZ OF U by kEith maRtin, FIRST LOVE by utada hikaRu, THIS I PROMISE by stacy 0RRic0, ONLY LOVE by tRadEmaRk, BCOZ I'M A GIRL by kiss, ONE LAST CRY by bRian McKnight, Etc...
NOW & THEN, DEEP RISING, THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW...ELLa EnchantEd, haRRy p0ttER, pRincEss diaRiEs, i-R0b0t...HARRY POTTER and thE s0RcERER's st0nE, HARRY POTTER and thE chambER 0f sEcREts, HARRY POTTER and thE pRis0nER 0f azkaban and HARRY POTTER and thE g0mbLEt of fiRE...
...sh0wing s00n (2005)...
i kn0w i havE m0RE m0viE favs...but i f0Rg0t s0mE of Em' aLREady...L0L!!!
hb0 channEL, chaRmEd, ExtREmE advEntuRE, thE amazing RacE, baywatch, fRiEnds, buffy thE vampiRE sLayER, sabRina thE tEEnagE witch, angEL, staR m0viEs, mtv, caRt00n nEtw0Rk, cinEmax and kn0wLEdgE channEL...
...as in all...
hmm...any stEphEn king's b00k EithER...0nE b00k i dEfinitELy REc0mmEnd is..."LEft bEhind" a MUST REad B00K...
hE's a HERO in many ways...
...SPIDER MAN aLs0...
b0th 0f thEm aRE cutiE...
...whitE, taLL, wEaRing EyE gLassEs...
...L00ks nEat and fabuL0us...