Frank profile picture


This is what we come back for.

About Me

I'm Frank, the vocalist for Kicking K8. Here's a little about me: I give everything I have at all times, and I am very intense. Sometimes people can't handle my strong personality, and try to match it with rudeness or sarcasm. I see right through it, so don't even bother, you'll just look like an asshole. I am very generous, and very loyal, but I never beg. That part of me is dead. Everything that I have earned has been through blood, sweat, and tears. Just like any other human being, I have doubts and sometimes question what the FUCK I am doing with my life. The only people's opinion that I give a shit about is my mom and dad's, not yours. I am adopted. Born in Santiago, Chile, raised in Baldwin, New York. Don't take that the wrong way though, it's just the way it is and I mean no disrespect. Without our fans, we are NOTHING. Anyways, back to what I was sayin (focus, Frank, focus) We all get down on ourselves. It is a natural feeling. I just like to use my negativity as a slingshot for perseverance. Without hope and love for ourselves and one another, we're fucked. So just take a second before you judge a stranger. We all bleed red, except for lobsters and bugs and shit....See ya at the bar bitches :) OK, back to the band- Kicking K8 has had the honor of sharing the stage with some of the biggest bands in the business-Stone Sour, Sevendust, Disturbed, Staind, Three Days Grace, Nonpoint, Finger Eleven, Hurt, Buck Cherry, Lacuna Coil, Dope, P.O.D., Seether, Shinedown, Helmet, Black Light Burns, L.A. Guns, Saliva, In This Moment, Pepper, Slightly Stoopid, and more.... Our new guitarist and brother, Dustin, has been working very hard over the past few months. Not only has Dustin been learning our music, but he also has created some new blood for our own. I am very excited about being among the company of the pack once again. A new monster has been created and now it cannot be stopped. See you all very soon.....
VISIT kickingk8 at Musictrax

Myspace Layouts at / Twighlight moon

My Interests

SOME OF THE GREAT SHOWS WE HAVE BEEN A PART OF...03/08.08 Welcome New Guitarist-DUSTINSee The World through Our EyesParty Time, Job CompleteIn Studio with WJJO-Madison, WiWJJO Band Camp 2007 w Stone Sour, Sevendust, Finger Eleven, Nonpoint, Dope, Kittie, Skillet-Madison, Wi 2007POD and Helmet-San Diego Sports Arena 2007Stage Front Riverfest-Beloit, WiJagermeister Music TourSoil, Dope, Hurt, Hinder, Crossfade, Staind and Three Days Grace-Willow Island, WiDisturbed, Bloodsimple Tour-San Diego, CaDisturbed, Bloodsimple Tour-Phoenix, AzSlightly Stoopid/Pepper Tour-Anaheim, CaStaind, Three Days Grace-Madison, WiStaind, Three Days Grace and Hurt Tour-Temecula, CaStone Sour, Lacuna Coil, and Shadows Fall-San Diego, CaNHRA/ The Zoo Brainerd, MnSaliva, Crossfade-Beloit, WiKK8 Plays NASCAR-Sonoma, Ca 2007Exclusive Company Autograph SigningBlackout in a red room....Makes it all worth while..KK8 LIVE

I'd like to meet:


DON'T FUCK WITH LIONS ..Anything that has balls and meaning. Basically anything that doesn't suck. KICKING K8 LIVE ON THE JAGER MUSIC TOUR


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Surviving the Singularity

Ray Kurzweil in the Singularity is Near argues that science and technology are creating change so dramatic that it qualifies as a singularity or point at which all the rules change This video poem speculates about the implications in the light of my ideas about the evolution of consciousness and the foundations of mathematics available at LSD - three letters that changed the world. Since 19 April 1943, the day Swiss chemist Dr. Albert Hofmann discovered this psychoactive substance, millions of people all over the world have experienced a higher reality with profound and psychological insights and spiritual renewal; created innovative social transformation, music, art, and fashion; were healed from addiction and depression; experienced enlightened insights into the human consciousness.



Guitar World/ Player, Circus (from back in the day), No Cover, Revolver, Discover Magazine, Scientific American, Watership Down, Sacrament, The Good Earth, The Seven Lectures of Steven Hawkins, Cabal.


My parents. Hands fucking down.

My Blog

Lyrics to "IN THE DARK"

VERSE 1Wasted Again.....Somehow I've Lost My Friends, Again.And Now I'm Submerged In SinIt's Bleeding Out Of My Skin.PRE-CHORUSNow I Must Face What I've Created.All Alone, And Slowly Fadin'.CHORUS...
Posted by Kicking K8 <Frank V> on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 09:55:00 PST

Lyrics to "LIAR"

VERSE 1Tortured By The Memories Of Your Mind.All The Greed And The DarknessBehind Those EyesOoh, The Eyes Of The LIAR.PRE-CHORUSThey Take For GrantedEvery Single Time.CHORUSJust SPit It Out Becaus...
Posted by Kicking K8 <Frank V> on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 09:51:00 PST

Lyrics to "DISASTER"

VERSE 1(Your) Addiction, (Your) Confliction, (Your) ConditionA Contradiction....(You) Violate, (You) Calculate (You) FabricateAll For Your Ego....PRE-CHORUSYea, So You Wonder Why?You're Misled By ...
Posted by Kicking K8 <Frank V> on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 09:46:00 PST