Germanic mythology, runes, german language, history
Nature, mountains, hiking, travelling
Independent films, quality books
Meine Sächsische Ecke ;D
© by Saðr
People with same interests, opinions, view of life, way of thinking. People who are individualists, high-principled, don't go with a crowds. People who are personalities...
Ahnengrab, Bergthron, Burzum, Clannad, Dalriada, Die Saat, Dimmu Borgir, Ensiferum, Equilibrium, Festung Nebelburg, Finsterforst, Geist, Gernotshagen, Heathen Foray, Helfahrt, Heorot, Horn, Charon, Kromlek, Mike Oldfield, Menhir, Moonsorrow, Moya Brennan, Myrkgrav, Nachtfalke, Nargaroth, Nebelhorn, Negura Bunget, Norther, Odroerir, Pain Of Salvation, Pantheist, Poisonblack, Seelenthron, Sentenced, Thiasos Dionysos, Trimonium, Thrudvangar, Valfeanor, Varg, Vinterriket, Vordven, Woodtemple, Wolfchant, Wotanskrieger, XIV Dark Centuries and many others.
Soundtrack composers:
Angelo Badalamenti, Stephan Zacharias and Steve Jablonsky
Other composers:
Antonio Vivaldi, Arvo Pärt, David Lowe, Antonin Dvorak, Ludwig van Beethoven
Jo a jeste Tata Bojs - jedinou ceskou kapelu, ktera hraje a dela opravdovou music! B)
Das blaue Licht (1932, Leni Riefenstahl), Grandhotel (2006, David Ondricek), Hamlet (1990, Franco Zeffirelli), NAPOLA (2004, Dennis Gansel), Sophie Scholl - Die letzten Tage (2005, Marc Rothemund), The Doe Boy (2001, Randy Redroad), The Search (1948, Fred Zinnemann), The Shining (1980, Stanley Kubrick), Van Helsing (2004, Stephen Sommers)
All TV programs are only illusions of the real life... Except VOX (DE) and BBC
historical novels, non-fiction literature, book of travels, architecture, foreign-language litarature, heathenism, art... and lecture notes!! ;D
Varg Vikernes
Lenka Reinerova, JUDr. Milada Horakova, Sophia Magdalena Scholl, Aung San Suu Kyi, Michael Gordon Oldfield, Herbert von Karajan
All people who are one’s own and all my friends!