Dimitris Xaniotis profile picture

Dimitris Xaniotis

About Me

O Dhmhtrhs Xaniwths gennh8hke sthn A8hna kai apo poly mikrh hlikia asxolh8hke me ton kallitexniko xwro.
Se hlikia 14 xronwn ksekinhse tis spoydes toy sto lyriko tragoydi kai thn klassikh moysikh enw sygxronws tragoydoyse se rock sygkrothmata.
Sta 18 toy asxoleitai me to modeling opoy synergazetai me poly megaloys sxediastes opws Ferre, Armani, Ralf Lauren, Polatwf, Aslanh k.a.
Parola ayta, h megalh toy agaph eksakoloy8oyse na einai to tragoydi ki etsi h gnwrimia toy me ton Giwrgo 8eofanoys kai h protash toy gia synergasia se mia prwtoporiakh idea gia ta ellhnika dedomena, ton ekane na egkataleipsei thn epityxhmenh toy kariera sto modeling.
H koinh toy poreia me toys ONE toy fernei polles epityxies, xrysoys kai platinenioys diskoys ka8ws kai th symmetoxh toy sto diagwnismo ths Eurovision to 2002 ekproswpwntas thn Kypro kai katalambanontas thn 6h 8esh.
To 2005 h synergasia toy me toys ONE teleiwnei kai o Dhmhtrhs ais8anetai pleon etoimos na ksekinhsei th dikh toy proswpikh poreia.
Etsi epistrefei sth diskografia me ton prwto toy proswpiko disko poy exei titlo «H agaph ponaei» kai kykloforei apo thn Impact Music.
To album perilambanei 13 tragoydia poy ypografoyn polloi kataksiwmenoi dhmioyrgoi opws o Baggelhs Toyntas, o Tasos Lymperhs, o Panos Falaras, h Elenh Giannatsoylia, o Kosmas, o Nikos Gritshs kai h Zwh Toynta.
Tragoydia poy ksexwrizoyn, einai to «Einai h agaph soy», to «Ela kopela moy» kai to «Krata me», poy kinoyntai se pop ry8moys, me idiaiteres enorxhstrwseis poy periexoyn kai ethnic stoixeia, ka8ws kai to «Tayros se gyalopwleio» poy kineitai se pio laikoys hxoys kai mas deixnei mia pleyra toy Dhmhtrh Xaniwth poy den eixame ksanakoysei.
Kalh Akroash!
Dimitris Haniotis was born in Athens, Greece. His love for music made him take lessons on classical music and singing while he joined several rock bands as a singer. His good looks lunched him a great career on modelling, working for G. Ferre, G. Armani, Ralf Lauren, Polatof, Aslanis etc.
Despite his successful career in fashion, singing has been and will still be his biggest dream, so after he meets with the greek song writer George Theofanous he accepts his invitation to his new, ambitious project and becomes a member of the first greek boyband, "ONE".
In the band and for 6 years, Dimitris experienced team work, gave all his best to the group without ever trying to stand out, followed a common course with four other young men, enjoyed a huge success through numerous live concerts and gold and platinum records and achieved the 6th place for the Cyprus entry in the Eurovision Song Contest of 2002!
With the end of the boyband in 2005, Dimitris continues his singing career in solo. After two years of hard work, he releases his first solo album, "i agapi ponai" (love hurts), with Impact Music. 13 beautiful songs, signed by well known, greek creators like Vaggelis Tountas, Tasos Lymberis, Panos Falaras, Eleni Yannatsoulia, Cosmas, Nikos Gritsis and Zoe Tounta. Some of the songs with the greatest impact are "ine i agapi sou" (It's your love), "ela kopela mou" (Comm'on, girl!), "krata me" (Hold me), pop songs with very special orchestration that combine the pop sound with several ethnic elements. Also,"tavros se yalopolio" (bull in a china shop) is a greek folk dancing song (tsifteteli), which reveals a part of Dimitris Xaniotis that we had never seen before! In addition, a deeply emotional song by Panos Falaras, "i agapi ponai" (Love hurts) is the one that became also the Album's Title and "prigkipas" (Prince) seems to be the radio stations's favorite because it releases a feeling of positive energy from an almost fairytale world.
Follow Dimitris's soul paths, sacretely saved in his first album and come back here to share your comments with the rest of his friends in MySpace...

My Interests


Member Since: 5/7/2007
Band Website: www.dimitrisxaniotis.gr - FanClub: www.dimitris.tk
Band Members:


Record Label: Impact music
Type of Label: Major

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