Angela Cerati profile picture

Angela Cerati

About Me

-------------- Now, I am barely start my music by myself. My tools are my voice and my computer and sometimes my guitar. Let me tell about briefly about me. I start to sing at very early age approximatelly 7 year old. My first music show was in Monterrey, Mexico when I participate classroom chorus. In late of 80's I enjoy a pop/rock band named "LaMusik" with ten members. We usually particpated in social events such birthdays and Church events. Later, I moved to South of Texas and I continued my practice voice by inspired of Michael Jackson and similar pop artist. In 1995, I move to Wisconsin and I spent two years of my life in there and I took Jazz, opera classes. They tought me very well. Later, I move to Ontario, Canada and I continue my music education by getting new ideas regards of opera. I spent in Canada two months. Later, I came back to South of Texas and I continued creating music by myself to different bands from different genders. Now, as you can see I making techno music for all of you and later on I will combine my voice. -------------------------------


My Interests


Member Since: 07/05/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Angela Cerati Composer, vocal, writer, poet, photographer, web designer, and video director. ------------------------------- I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
Influences: My influences were: Michael Jackson, Gustavo Cerati, Moby, Charly Garcia, Alessandro Safina, Sarah Brightman, Juan Gabriel, Enrique Bunbury, Kinky. ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------

Sounds Like: Moby, Gustavo Cerati, Babasonicos, Tarkan
Record Label: Unsigned

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