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About Me

Shayera Hol is my name, and I was an undercover detective on my native planet of Thanagar. Several years ago, while pursuing some criminals who were trafficking forbidden technology, I was zapped by a dimensional transport beam. My molecular structure was ripped apart and sent halfway across the galaxy. When I awoke, I found myself on an uncharted planet called Earth. Using my survival training, I adopted a human identity and learned to blend in with the native population.Although I hope to return to Thanagar someday, I have developed a strong bond with the people of Earth. As Hawkgirl, I use my Thanagarian powers to serve and protect my adopted home. I have the power of flight, lethal hand-to-hand combat skills, and the ability to communicate with birds.As a trained detective, I have phenomenal powers of observation, which deeply impresses Batman. Despite my pleasant and unassuming personality, I am a fierce combatant. I can strike with a sudden ferocity that is surprising to even my closest teammates.I have developed a close relationship with Green Lantern. Though couples who work together can rarely make their relationship work, We've decided to give it a try.

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

other superheroes, hot guys.........maybe hawkman.....

My Blog

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