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About Me

Layout made by AmyMontgomeryI have no idea how thirty found me so fast. I'm stillhaving trouble letting go of twenty-something~~There is not a lot that I'm scared of, but thethings I am scared of terrify me~~ I amstrong. I don't cry over much~~ It takes a lotto make me mad, but once I'm mad I can hold aserious grudge~~ I'm a great mother, butnowhere near perfect~~ I strive and I struggleeveryday to be half the mother my mom is~~Ihave the worst short term memory ever~~I willnot argue a point unless I know I'm 100%right~~I have strong views on many things butI don't preach them~~I will do everything inmy power to avoid confrontation~~I'm a nightowl. Getting up in the morning is still a featin itself~~I like a clean house, but I don'tstress over it~~I have total respect formyself. Being called a bitch is not cute.Strong opinions do not call for that type ofdegradation~~I will trust you until you giveme a reason not to. If I get that reason, Iwill never trust you~~Forgiveness is not oneof my strong points~~I have no tolerance forarrogance~~I will never meet a person betterthan me, nor will I ever think that I'm betterthan anyone~~I have worked hard for everythingI have~~I am happy with the person that Iam~~I don't regret a minute of my life~~I havelearned very easy and extremely hardlessons~~I usually have a middle of the roadview on most things. I can see the good andbad side of the story~~I don't stress overmuch. What's going to happen will happen whetherI stress over it or not. So I've just learned not to~~I've learned that I can't control much of anything.It's all predetermined, so I just go with it~~I canget along with just about any personality~~Ihave a nack for molding into any situation~~Ilove to laugh and don't have a problemlaughing at myself~~I can find humor inanything~~I talk really loud when I'mexcited~~I keep eye contact when I'mtalking~~I never saw myself with kids but Ilive for my son and would die for him in asecond~~Falling in love is very hard for me, although Marchas finally broken through my wall. I am completely andtotally in love with him and thank God for himeveryday~~I love college football~~I am a very passionateGA Bulldogs fan~~Humility is a life essential. It keepsyou humble~~I love country music and a good country bar~I live for the trips to Nashville each year~~my sister ismy best friend~~I have no choice but to make it throughthe day, so I choose to do it with a positive attitude~~Iwill listen with all my heart and won't give my opinionunless it's wanted~~but I give good advice~~Ilearn a lot from other people's mistakes~~Ilove my job and the people I work with~~Ibelieve everyone can change their situation ifthey really want to~~I'm not a girly girl~~Ihate yard work because my hands get dirty~~Ihate rap music. I believe it has a strongnegative impact on society~~I believecelebrities are highly overrated~~my mom isthe most amazing person I know~~I look like mydad~~I don't like scary movies~~I love takingpictures~~there is so much more to me, butwe'd be here all day ;)~

My Blog

Tried to tell him this would happen..........

Cats in the Cradle By Harry Chapin   My child arrived just the other dayHe came to the world in the usual wayBut there were planes to catch and bills to payHe learned to walk while I was awayAnd ...
Posted by on Thu, 09 Oct 2008 23:15:00 GMT

Putting the feeling into words.......

I have something I really want to say, but I have no idea how to say it. I try to think it out and put into words, but all the ideas are just mumbled phrases here and there. I'm going to try this agai...
Posted by on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 01:29:00 GMT

Bitchfest 2008

Why is it when life is good, it's good and when it's bad it just fucking sucks!!?? I am about to hit my breaking point. My yard looks gross cause I can't get my lawnmower to start. I think it's the sp...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 17:39:00 GMT