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About Me

~Hello, I'm Damian. Currently working on Royale Noire and another few musical, digital art and psychology projects. On a more professional side, I'm doing my 2nd Major on Psychology with emphasis on Neuroscience, being Plastic Arts the 1st and with plans to follow on a near future another Major in Law Studies, a more personal passion.
This World is not about Arts or subjectivity, it's about Money and Politics; and so am I. Part time Artist & Musician, Dj & Producer, Tormented Amourist & Writer. Part time rutless Liar, and some others Charming. Apathethic & Aesthethic. Analitic, Inteligent, Technocrat and Politically Snobist. Smart, yet Frustrated and all it's Synonyms so to say. My one Passion and Real Emotion is closely related to my Favorite word which no matter the language it’s in will ever sound Delightful. Feeling which drives me from the Edge of Simplicity to the Gates of Reckoning itself.

I've been Infamous for my despicable actions, which I don't deny; but also Admired for a reason I won't ever Understand. Once romantic, now cold. Above all hedonistic, egocentric, obsessive-compulsive, self-centered though self-conscious and Misanthrope to a certain point [I believe human kind is somehow Overrated, so to say].
I can be many things, and do even more to reach what I want. I can create or destroy at my will, for power exists only for the ones who are willing to be hated. In the end, what I’m all about is choosing a lie, the one you love the most, and I'll be what you want me to Be.

What's Left is only Flesh and Harvest of my endless Boredoom.
The imagination is the spur of Delights... All depends upon it, it is the mainspring of everything; now, is it not by means of the Imagination one knows Joy? Is it not of the Imagination that the sharpest Pleasures arise? In order to know Virtue, We must first acquaint Ourselves with Vice.
Reason is a whore, surviving by simulation, versatility, and shamelessness. Torment, for some men, is a need, an appetite, and an accomplishment, chaos is rejecting all you have learned. Chaos is being yourself. No instrument is necessary for us to create the realization that there is nothing to understand.

[Vice & Virtue].

My Blog

+ Sobre Anoche: Mis Destiempos e Indecencias +

~Si hay algo que realmente no comprendo es el como algunas veces las cosas que parecen mas sencillas -como estar en un lugar a cierta hora o mirar esa persona al rostro y aceptar los hechos como son- ...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Apr 2009 00:46:00 GMT

+ Crueldad a través del Espejo Pt.II +

~En algun momento durante mis primeros dias en colombia -año 2005- escribi con un poco de displicencia y confusion existencial un corto escrito llamado ''Crueldad a través del Espejo'', sin saber que ...
Posted by on Mon, 30 Mar 2009 23:03:00 GMT

+ La Vindicación de Judas +

~Difícil es pronosticar un desenlace tan catastrófico contra el que se ha luchado tanto. El sentido común obliga al individuo promedio a esforzarse y encarecidamente dirigir su lucha a sortear males l...
Posted by on Sun, 05 Oct 2008 14:26:00 GMT

+ Pathology Pt.II +

~I feel like some people actions should be repaid. I would love to cut their heads off and gauge out their eyes& Everyone likes souvenirs. Everyone needs a victim.I have been really busy with differen...
Posted by on Wed, 17 Sep 2008 06:35:00 GMT

+ "You are my Shepherd, I shall not be in Want" +

[:Celine:Yet, Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil: For thou art with me.Thy memoir and thy voice they comfort me:] Virtually yours forever,Damian Dior.  ...
Posted by on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 09:29:00 GMT

+ Anomalistic Behaviour +

~After years passed by I'm still learning how to let go and at the same time I roam around the internet and real life looking for some inspiration. I've never been known for my utterly sensitivity, bu...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 19:18:00 GMT

+ Pathology +

~I've been away for more or less a month (I honestly don't remember the days) I've had no "luft" for writing, for thinking, and specially to describe how lately my desire to put someone's head on a pi...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 03:52:00 GMT

+ To Love Her On Knees +

~I couldn't stop thinking about You, but& What I said to her: Can't you see that we should be'Till nothing's left to feed.  Or can you betray me?Everything's out and is erased. An error in ...
Posted by on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 02:09:00 GMT

+ Judas Memento +

~Detuvo la marcha. En un hemisferio gravita el hostigamiento del viaje; del otro el asedio de los peligros en el andurrial desnudo. De un lado, brilla hasta el blanco inescrutable, cegador, la base de...
Posted by on Wed, 06 Aug 2008 05:29:00 GMT

+ An Image is Worth a Thousand Words +

~Pictures speak in flash backs~ Virtually yours,Damian Dior.[260508]
Posted by on Mon, 04 Aug 2008 15:00:00 GMT