Phuong L Pham profile picture

Phuong L Pham

About Me

Hellooo. This post supposes to be for the band. Since i join two bands, i want to mention them here. I play with Chicago Passion Band and Keri Johnsrud Trio. They reflect my diversity in term of taste of music. Chicago Passion is a group of Vietnameses musicians who love music and play some popular vietnamese songs. We are up for shows, weddings, anniversaries or any special occasions, no funerals though. Keri Johnsrud Trio is a jazz standard band. She is a singer and has been working with me for a while and we are still practice and play somewhere, hope to bring jazz standards a new life and joy. The songs here are new recording i did in August 25th 2007 and recently. They included three jazz and two classical pieces. I chose three contrast jazz tunes, fast and slow. "Countdown" was written by John Coltrane, Blue Monk by Thelonious Monk and the last is "Dont blame it on my youth", yet > blame it on your youth. Two classical pieces is Etude No3 by Chopin and Prelude No4 by Rachmanhinoff. Enjoy and let me know any comments you come up with.

My Interests


Member Since: 07/05/2007
Band Website:
Band Members:
Dawson plays Fly'Adventure

Phuong L Pham | MySpace Music Videos
Phuc plays "Flingstone"

Phuong L Pham | MySpace Music Videos
Sounds Like: anything you heard of: pop, jazz, vietnamese songs
Record Label: JP production

My Blog

My Personal Statement

 I have been always curious about jazz since I was a teenager. Thats has been a long love passion that goes along with me all the way to America. I am originally from Vietnam where there is very litt...
Posted by on Wed, 16 Dec 2009 09:35:00 GMT

Hiromi Uehara

i m fall in love with her. She is totally gogeous and her piano sound is amazing. You can check her more on youtube, especially songs with chick corea.
Posted by on Mon, 11 May 2009 19:11:00 GMT

Natalie Cole proves to be "Still Unforgetable"

Here is the link, please take few minutes to dl it. You will love it:  
Posted by on Wed, 19 Nov 2008 15:01:00 GMT

For Piano Lover

I heard this beautiful Adagio from radio yesterday. This is a great movement from Ravel Piano Concerto in G. This is a link to it you are in that website, cl...
Posted by on Fri, 31 Oct 2008 04:11:00 GMT

Vu tren ban nghi su

..TR> Vú Trên bàn nghË sñ Copy të blog "bÑ cu H°ng" + các comment trên ó Blog: 9BÙ y t¿ ban hành quy Ënh chu©n vÁ séc khÏe à iÁu kh...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Oct 2008 14:02:00 GMT