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The Psychics

About Me

THE PSYCHICS –Worth the wait…..The release in 1993 of the debut album by melodic hard rock act LIONSHEART created the kind of excitement internationally not seen in rock circles for a very long time. Here was a new act with a classic, distinctly British sound that record buyers in Europe and – perhaps not too surprisingly! – Japan simply gobbled up. The record sold extraordinarily well and the scene appeared to be set for an ongoing career of gargantuan proportions….All was not well, however, in the LIONSHEART camp with main songwriters, guitarists and identical twin brothers Mark and Steve Owers were unhappy with the both singer Steve Grimmett and their management. Things came to a head when the brothers left a support slot to US rock act Lillian Axe two shows into a European tour. For them. LIONSHEART was finished.LONSHEART has continued, though never with the same success garnered by that debut album. But what of the two brothers who were the driving force and creative hub of that band? Fourteen years after those fateful events, they return to the frey in triumphant fashion with a project set to reap the rewards that their previous band was unable to grasp.Some things are just worth waiting for….THE PSYCHICS are what great rock is and should always be about. Their debut, self titled album is a celebration of all that has made British rock acts the envy of the world. Rich in melody and dynamics, the album brings to mind the classic rock acts of yesterday in a style thatis totally 2008. It would be stupid – and dishonest! – of us to make claims about this album being original or groundbreaking. It isn’t. What it is, though, is timeless hard rock that just feels so right. In short, this album belongs in any rock collection.The voice of Steve Owers owes much to the Robert Plant / David Coverdale school of bluesy interpretation and the warmth of his voice is like a raging fire on a freezing cold day. Not since the halcyon days of Seventies hard rock has a voice so perfectly defined a genre. The delivery is perfect and many will come to admire and covet the man’s talents.Mark Owers brings a fluidity and passion to his guitar playing that is both incredibly exciting and awe inspiring. One minute riffing heavily and spitting out notes at lightning speed, the next tastefully embellishing. Check out album closer ‘Dream Man’ for proof positive of this fact. Guitar hero in waiting, anyone…?Anchoring the maelstrom that is THE PSYCHICS debut album is the formidable rhythm section of bassist Ian Corlett and drummer John Manners. Lest you should think that this band is little more than an extremely talented duo, let us dispel that notion by saying that, as rhythm sections go, this is a Rolls Royce amongst a sea of poorly maintained Morris Minors.There is an honesty to THE PSYCHICS that sets them aside from most other acts of their type. This is rock with no pretensions and plenty ofintegrity. If you have been a fan of the hard rock genre over the last twenty five years, if you have enjoyed the music of the good and the great, the movers and shakers of the genre, then you could bet your mortgage that you’ll almost instantly fall in love with ‘THE PSYCHICS’.As debut albums go, this is as potent a calling card as you could possibly imagine.THE PSYCHICS self titled debut album is now available on the Marquee Avalon label in Japan and will be released in Europe by Krescendo Records September 7th 2009.Myspace Layouts
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Myspace BackgroundsMark Owers from THE PSYCHICS plays CORT.............
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Member Since: 07/05/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Steve Owers - Vocals: Mark Owers - Guitars and Keyboards: John Manners - Drums: Ian Corlett - Bass
Record Label: Marquee Avalon (Japan) Krescendo Records (EU)
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

European album release

Hi All       Looks like the album will be released in Europe under the Krescendo Records label early June 2009. We will keep you all posted on further news!Thanks
Posted by on Fri, 24 Apr 2009 02:54:00 GMT

European Release

Hi All         We hope to have some good news soon regarding the release of The Psychics album in Europe, so watch this space! Cheers !!
Posted by on Wed, 28 Jan 2009 15:11:00 GMT