Azelin profile picture


Smile like you mean, laugh out loud, and dance like no one is watching!

About Me

Hey everyone! My name is Azelin, and my close friends call me Azy. I have long since graduated from high school and am currently persuing a degree in Chemistry. My age is located somewhere on here I am sure, so it is redundant to repeat it over and over. I am the oldest of many siblings, all of which I am very fond of. That said, everyone who knows me knows that I am extremely protective and tend to be the mother hen of my friends and family. I am an Aunt, three times now, two neices and a nephew, whom are all adorable! I feel being close to your family is extremely important because they are the only people who will always be there. I have a few close friends, but love to be social. Enough of the usual background information though. For all of you who are curious, I do have MSN, AIM, and YAHOO, but you will have to ask me for that information. Don't worry, I don't bite to hard. I am easy going for the most part. I love movies and music. Any type of music, and I can't help but sing along to all of it. I don't have a horrid voice, but I am sure it could use a little tuning. I am a World of Warcraft player but never seem to have time for it since classes started up again. I do play Magic the Gathering from time to time, and yes, I have two tattoos, one of which consists of a Black Lotus that is the rarest and most expensive magic card of them all. Dork, perhaps, but I love it! What else..... I change my hair constantly, whether I cut it all off or dye it random colors. It is naturally light blonde though. I have eyes that seem to change with my mood, from blue to aqua to green. They are green most of the time though. I have a few piercings, all in my ears. I do drink, socially for the most part. I can drink pretty much anything, cranberry juice and peach schnapps being my choice of poison most of the time. I do not condone drug use however, and I am opinionated on my beliefs and morals. I am no bible thumper, but I do believe that any religion, or lack there of, deserves to be respected. I am accepting of most things, do not judge because I am in no place to do so, and feel people have a right to believe what they want, as long as they do not force it on me. I am not sure where I stand on religion, just I believe there is a God, Heaven, and Hell... how they play a part I have yet to determine. I really do not know what else to babble on about, and I do not want to give away all of my secrets so if you feel there is something about me I failed to mention, want clarification on, or anything of the sort... Ask! Asking is the only way you will find out because I, unfortunately, am not a mind reader.
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My Interests

I like movies. A few I am infamous for watching over and over are: Lord of the Rings ( all three extended version ), Phantom of the Opera, Fifth Element, Saw, Cruel Intentions, Dirty Dancing (what girl doesn't like this movie? It is Awesome!), Narnia (Lets face it, the Lions name, Aslan, sounds just like my name! ), and any horror movie I can get my little fingers on! (SEVEN !!! )I also like to chat online, and go out with some of my guy friend, because, sorry ladies, most of you like to backstab. I am a talker, so beware! I also like to stay up late at night and sing along with movies and dance to them... because, well.. I am odd like that! *grins* But, honestly, my favorite thing has to be meeting new people, and I like to go bowling, even though I can't break 75 points!

I'd like to meet:

Orlando Bloom, because he is oh so sexy. Garth Brooks, because his music is amazing. Oprah, so I can ask her how she seems to be looking younger as she gets older. And anyone who is interesting. (cliche I know, but hey, I like people.) I also would like to meet the perfect man, but I doubt such a man exists.
Cyanide & Happiness @


Hmm... here is a toughie... See, I like most music. I have been going through a punk/rock/country phase lately though. To many to list, so just ask. Just think of anything but screaming hardcore metal, Marilyn Mason, Gospel, or Blue grass.


ANYTHING HORROR OR THRILLER! But I will watch the occasional comedy or something of the sort. To list a few of my favorites I like anything with Freddy Krgr, Childs play, Stephen Kings movies, Lord of the Rings, Kingdom of Heaven, Troy, Dirty Dancing, Seven, Phantom of the Opera, Narnia, and I am sure there is more, but I don't have the patience to list them all.


CSI ( the original because Miami SUCKS! ), All the Law and Orders, Family Guy, Simpsons, House, and the Charmed Ones.


I am not much of a reader, but I am working on the Narnia Chronicles and Lord of the Rings, as well as a few of Anne Rices Vamipire books.


Col. Merriot and Mrs. Vanvolkenburg, they helped me through so much and I am eternally grateful towards them. Also, all of my friends who have stood by me through the years and have never lost hope in me. You know who you are and I love you so much.

My Blog

Updating, because I know you are all dying to know about me.

Alrighty then, where should I begin?  Oh yea, how about with the most prevalent thing on my mind at this moment.  On June 2nd I had to have emergency surgery.  Now that I have your atte...
Posted by Azelin on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 01:53:00 PST


So, as of Friday Jeff and I officially decided to "go our seperate ways."  I knew it was at an end a while ago, but I never thought I would be feeling what I am.  It is an array of emotions...
Posted by Azelin on Mon, 12 May 2008 11:57:00 PST

Update because, well, it has been a while.

So... where to begin seeing how it have been over a year since I have posted anything on my life.  I have been living with five roommate for about a year now, but will be moving out in May to red...
Posted by Azelin on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 10:04:00 PST

Randomness I suppose.

Okay, so it was pointed out to me that I haven’t written a blog in a very long time, so here goes nothing, not that my life is all that fascinating. Lately the thought has been crossing my mind ...
Posted by Azelin on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 05:08:00 PST

Murphy's Law strikes again!

So, today has been a pretty good day.  And by pretty good, I mean being forced to quit your job, find out bad news about your family life, and fall down a big muddy hill and twisting your ankle.&...
Posted by Azelin on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 07:09:00 PST

I think I am NUTS! But I love it!

So.. I went insane I think, and I blame Ashley!  I went and got a peircing!  It is sooo cute, but it took so much for me to go through it.  I really felt no pain, but I did scream out w...
Posted by Azelin on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 03:32:00 PST

Bored at college.

So yea.. just thought I would update you all.  I no longer work at Pizza Hut, I am a waitress at Eat N Park, and I live with two roommates now! Yay!  I am single, and busting my ass!!&n...
Posted by Azelin on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 11:31:00 PST


So.. today I did something that I have been wanting to do for two years now.  I got a tattoo!!!!!!  Well.. another one. For all of you dying to see it, I have a pic of it posted on my pictu...
Posted by Azelin on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 12:58:00 PST

Two songs that fit my mood...

Tonight I wanna Cry - Keith Urban Like We Never Loved At All - Faith Hill The last one, the lyrics really fit my mood. I am all sad, and I think it is mostly because of my bad run in with men.  M...
Posted by Azelin on Sat, 10 Jun 2006 11:35:00 PST

Hurt feelings

So... I am sad, my feelings are hurt, and they really shouldn't me.  if you are curious as to why.. go to and read my posts.  Life has been dealing me lemons.. and I see...
Posted by Azelin on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 12:25:00 PST