I just love dinner parties. The combination and chemistry of specific guests coupled with a steady flow of fine wine over several hours is just wonderful. I present my ideal dinner table of people I would love to meet, combined with close friends, all carefully seated for the very best conversations, conflicts and pure unadulterated fun!As you can see, your host and entertainment for the evening, centrally placed on the table, is Derren Brown ; an extraordinary man with an incredible talent for unlocking heads and mind manipulation.Clockwise from the top, yours truly of course, glass already in hand, seated alongside my wife and soul mate Julie. Next to Julie is Germaine Greer, who Julie loves to bits. As incendiary a guest as you could wish for. Stephen Fry next, a genius, professional wit and raconteur.The combination of the next 3 guests is the key here. Bruce Springsteen, my mate John and then Kenny Dalglish. Bruce and Kenny are John's idols. Now John is never short of something to say and God love him, it is cruel of me to seat him between the only 2 people in the world that are likely to make him dribble, jibber and pretty much fall to bits in the most affectionate of ways!! Love you John. Believe me, I did this for you!Elizabeth Fraser next. Oft described as the ‘Voice of God’, Liz, former Cocteau Twin, is an enigmatic reclusive character that needs to appreciate her God given talent and GET SOME NEW BLOODY PRODUCT OUT! I love her voice and need a quiet word with her!Once again we have another trio of guests strategically seated with my mate Mark, flanked by Gordon Ramsey and Nelson Mandela. The conversations between these 3 will be stunning, diverse, revelatory with more tangents than Einstein’s rucksack! You will not find 3 more passionate people anywhere.A musical bent from hereon in. Amy Winehouse next (got tickets to see her soon. Can’t wait). The most natural, rich and emotive voice I have heard in years. Talent beyond her years with a bright future for any off license in her locale!Another genius next. David Byrne, former Talking Head. I was introduced to this man’s talent by Julie and we have subsequently seen him together on his last 3 tours. Each time in a completely different band style/scenario but brilliant in each guise. A joy. He’s as mad as a box of frogs as well. Hope he drinks!Finally, we have Jo Whiley. A DJ from radio 1 who has an incredible thirst and enthusiasm for music and contemporary culture. Lives in Crouch End where Julie and I did our courting, Jo comes across as a ‘down to earth’ passionate woman who reputedly drinks and parties with the best. Don’t tell Julie but I fancy her a bit as well!Well that’s it. Another evening may include Edward Van Halen, Ray Leonard, Lars Von Trier, Vivienne Westwood, Ricky Gervais, Johnny Vegas, Bjork, Jonathan Ross, Pele, Nick Faldo and the mighty Geoff Horsfield!Sorry, must go, my dinner guests are arriving! Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. By requiring companies to pay above market prices, Fairtrade addresses the injustices of conventional trade, which traditionally discriminates against the poorest, weakest producers. It enables them to improve their lot and have more control over their lives.