Welcome to the Bella and the Deatheaters Myspace page
here's hoping your still alive to come back!
Hey guys it's my Emuh I just wanted to thank all my loyal fans and followers over the past 3 years of my weird little wiz-rock journey.
Unfortunatly I've had to take a break from the awesomeness because real life has taken over. BUT I'm still lurking around and who knows I may pop up now and again.
I'll upload ALLLLLLLLL my songs for you guys for FREEEEEEEEEEEEEE and allow you to enjoy/cry in pain as you listen to them. For now I hope you enjoy my major hit "Become a deatheater" and it's all groovy.
If you wanna "enjoy" my music and can't wait for them to get online you can watch the videos of my 2007 Potter rocks performances here:
If you're intrested in starting a Wrock band I say GO FOR IT! you'll make some new friends and have a blast!
OK my DE lovelies I'm outta hopefully I will see you around!
Luffs and cookies
Emuh aka BADE
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