KRAMA in GHANAFEST 08 in MALTA______________BIOGRAPHY__________________Krama is a band based in the city of Valencia-Spain. The group creates its own music influenced by the tradicional music of Greece (regions of Macedonia, Thrace and Black Sea), Balkans, flamenco and the classical music of India. The instrumentation consists of a string section with guitar (tuned in DAdgad), Hurdy-gurdy, buzuki and various types of lyres. The percussion is founded on cajon flamenco, daul, ghatam and bendir.
The group defines its music as Balcanic- flamenco were the irregular rhytms of Greece, Balcans and the Black sea mix with oriental grooves from Iran and India, havind as a common denominator, Flamenco. Krama means Alloy in greek , a kind of a metaphora aplied to the process of composing and arranging of the band.
The group uses a variety of string instruments such as 8th string flamenco guitar, sarangi, hurdy-gurdy, iranian kamanche, greek bouzouki and lyra de Pontos. The percussion is incorpotated with grooves colourful, hypnotic and solid with cajon flamenco, ghatam and various frame-drums
KRAMA have given concerts in many important world music festivals and sound halls such as the MERCAT DE MUSIC VIVA en Vic 2008, MUSIQUES DEL MON primera edicion en Valencia, MUSICA AL CASTELL-Denia, ETNOMUSIC music festival, AULA DE ALTRES MUSICES EN LEVANTE, GHANAFEST 08 in Malta and the PALAU DE MUSICA in VALENCIA. Also they have among their forthcoming lives for 2009 are included concerts in the festivals of TOROELLA DE MONGRI and 12a FIRA MEDITERRANIA DE MANRESA._______BIOGRAFÃA_________El grupo KRAMA presenta un programa de músicas de mundo con influencias de la musica tradicional mediterranea, los Balcanes y el flamenco.
Los modos y ritmos irregulares propios de los Balcanes, Grecia y del Mar Negro asimilan las particularidades rÃtmica de Irán, India y Marruecos, creando un
terreno común donde prevalece el toque y cante flamenco.
La nstrumentación es diversa: una variada sección de cuerdas: guitarra flamenca de 8 cuerdas (afinada en DAdgad), bouzuki, Zanfona (hurdy-gurdy), lyra de pontos, sarangi, kamanche, con frases enfatizadas con kaval y gaida búlgara. A todo esto se sumaria el papel rÃtmico de la percusión como el cajón, tinaja y panderos sobre el que reposa el sonido del grupo
KRAMA ha actuado en varios festivales de musicas de mundo y de slas de concierto como el MERCAT DE MUSIC VIVA en Vic 2008, MUSIQUES DEL MON primera edicion en Valencia 2007, MUSICA AL CASTELL-Denia 2007 , ETNOMUSIC music festival 2007, AULA DE ALTRES MUSICES EN LEVANTE 2007 , GHANAFEST 08 in Malta and the PALAU DE MUSICA in VALENCIA. Entre sus futuras actuaciones tienen conciertos a los festivales fde TOROELLA DE MONGRI 2009... real editor best profile tools real editor best profile tools
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How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace editor ...PERFORMING IN THE PALAU DE MUSICA, IN VALENCIA 2007