Sinisa Lucic-Singer is a drummer (not a singer, it's just a nickname:)) from Serbia (ex Yugoslavia).He was born on November the 3rd, 1971. in the city of Novi Sad. When he was about seventeen, him and his friendsstarted a local band called "the Love Hunters". In few years this band came to be a big success.They were playing a "romantic" hard rock type of music. Sinisa was also simultaneously workingand recording with many musicians at the time. In 1992. he left "the Love Hunters" and Novi Sad torelocate to New York City-U.S.A. The main reason for this was the beginning of Balkan Wars in1992. Once in NYC, he worked various jobs, until he settled with the NYC based band called"I.C.U." They were playing and touring successfully throughout United States from 1994.-1997. Inthe year 2000 Sinisa is moving back to Novi Sad. After that he was a member of alternative rockband "Veliki Prezir". One of this band's songs was used in a popular movie called "Absolute 100" asa part of soundtrack. While working with the original band "Veliki Prezir" he also started playing withdifferent cover and tribute bands. Today, while
doing different recording sessions which include diverse styles of music, Sinisa is curentlyworking with Serbian pop-singer and author Teodora Bojovic as a member of her band. Theyrecently finished a new album called "Linija" (the Line) where Sinisa also appears as a co-writer onmost of the songs. The band has it's web-site, so please visit here for Myspace glitter graphics and Myspace layouts