, reading, listening to music and other things but I really like to flirt with guys thats my only downfall! Well actually its a good thing! But My interest is to be loved by someone and that someone is Nick. The love of my life and the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.
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n-e one who shares interest in the same music as i do............A nice guy with a sexy body...I would like to meet someone who I can connect with! but then again nick fits all the qualities I want and then some ;D! So now just friends
metal such as slipknot, lamb of god, killswitch, No Riegn etc also I love contry like Keith Urban. Some pop such as kelly clarkson and evenescence!
scary movies like boogie man ,actually that was pretty funny to me. funny movies like miss congeniality 1 and 2, also bloody movies
men and trees, Bones, Desprate Housewives, Dead Like Me, and Dancing with the stars aswell as so you think you can dance...ok so I love to now watch Dr. Phil...he's a smart ass who know how to handly a situation!my love is....
Romance novels like Master of Desire, Restless Knight, and The Warior, Brethless, Making waves, Gifts from the sea, Mindless Desires
James! He's an amazing friend and has stuck with me till the end! He always makes me smile and laugh and has this light that follows him. He is the most dearest pal a girl could have and I luv him with all my heart! Thank you sweety!Jessica She's the most important friend I have and the most talented writer I know! She is the one person I know would be right there beside me even if I was wrong. She knows me from my heart and keeps me together.! She is my sister my darling and my friend!ROCKY! He's got to be the most looniest guy out there! He seems to always keep me in great spirits no matter what happens to me! I still don't know why but hey he's my big bro and I luv em like i luv chocolate!Nick! My bf and he is the one who makes me smile and shows me that life is worth the pain because in the end there is so much happiness. Thanx to him I am the happiest person in the world. He encourages me to be strong and powerful. That is the most important quality about him that I love. Thank you baby I love you so much!