Member Since: 5/7/2007
Band Members:
Sandefur: is a classically
trained violinist who plays for
Heidelberg Symphony Orchestra on a regular basis. However she is an
avid fan of all music genres, dabbling in vocals and trumpet on
occasion also! She has been playing violin for 13 years and loves any
opportunity to improvise on the violin! She is also the newest member
of the bush band and looks forward to extending her repertoire even
Ben Palad:
has been
playing the drum’s since the age of 13, in that time he has
had a dab at playing an eclectic group of percussion instruments from
African Djembes to Bongos, Congas, Timpani’s, triangles and
spoons. He was always been known to ad lib percussions based on what he
can find lying around the place in true colonial bush band manner.
Andrew Moore:
still deciding what we can say about the incomparable
Moorie. Cos
basically where do we start. He sings, he plays the bass, he dances the
moves. Moorie has played all types of rock and modern music before
learning how much fun the traditional tunes can be to play. He spends
his spare minutes away from music working fifty plus hours at a full
time job in the audio visual industry. Andy also finds time to lead
youth group and act as a church vestry member. Actually the secret is
he doesn't sleep much.
Ian Wanden:
current oldest member of the band and one of the founding members of
Galahs in Gumboots. He has been playing guitar since 1975 and has moved
through many styles of music over that time. Currently along with the
other members in Galahs, Ian is also an active member of the music
ministry team at All Saints Anglican Church in Greensborough Victoria.
Ian is at present the lead singer/dance caller with the band and along
with the guitar has also played the banjo and on occasion found an
excuse to drag out an old ukulele.
The members of Galah's in Gumboots over the twenty years it has existed
with various lineups have all been active members of their local
churches. While not all of the members, most have been or still are
active at All Saints Anglican Church Greensborough Victoria. Many of
the ex members of the band have gone on to other churches.
When playing for other churches its always been a pleasure watching new
social connections being made and the churches fellowship
being strengthened.
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None