Muay Thai
The Occult
Peace Activism
Burzum, Satyricon, Rise, Summoning, Nunslaughter, Gospel of the Horns, Bathory, Blodsrit, Messiah, Sumeria, Blood Feast, Sadistic Intent, Shining, Emperor, Death, Possessed, Belial, Desaster, Slaughter Lord, The Black, Armagedda, Death, Witchburner, Destruction, At the Gates, Abruptum, Shadowthrone, Behexen, Besatt, Darkthrone, Graveland, Iuvenes, Vital Remains, Honor, Black Witchery, Sargoth, Testament, Bullet, Unpure, Archgoat, Tsjuder, Dark Funeral, Destroyer 666, Godless North, Enslaved, Skyforger, Victimizer, Lord Wind, Gorgoroth, Judas Iscariot, Perunwit, Horna, Isengard, Old Funeral, Exciter, Kreator, Venom, Horned Almighty, Must Missa, Obituary, Demonic Christ, Nagelfar, Nifelheim, Sepultura, Taake, Hirax, Argentum, Kataxu, Atheist, Bolt Thrower, Autopsy, Slayer, Abomination, Angantyr, The One, Sungoddess, Razor of Occam, Deathevokation, Adorior, Puissance, Sear Bliss, Turulvér, Watain, Von, Thunderbolt
Mozart, Wagner, Vivaldi, Tchaikovski, Rimsky-Korsakov, Stauss, Holst, Bach, Brahms, Chopin, Orff, Beethoven, Dvorak, Rachmaninov, Mahler, Borodin, Ippolitov-Ivanov, Offenbach, Bizet, Verdi, Sibelius, Falla, Handel, Pachelbel
Cosmic Giggle, Bob Dylan, The Allman Bros, Fleetwood Mac, Floyd, Zep, The Doors, Pearl Jam
Paradise Lost-John Milton
House of Leaves-Danielewski
The Italian-Anne Radcliff
The Mysteries of Udolpho-Anne Radcliff
Northanger Abby-Jane Austen
The Uses of Enchantment-Bruno Bettelheim
Harry Potter
Defense of Poetry-Sir Philip Sidney
Praise of Folly-Erasmus
A Room of One's Own-Viginia Woolf
Wuthering Heights-Emily Bronte
Jane Eyre-Charlotte Bronte
My Mother and Father