My Ballroom info 101!
Whats your ballroom name? DJ Ninja AKA 3
What category do you currently walk? New Way, Oldway, Hand Performance
What was your first ball? Omni Ball 1996
Who or what brought you to the scene? Sean Kannon
Was your current house your first house and first choice? Nope
What was your first category? Schoolboi Realness
What was the first ball you walked? Rodeo Ball 2001
What category do you enjoy watching the most? Sex Siren
Who in the scene would you love to meet past or present? Hector Xtravaganza Sr.
What categories turn you on? Body
Do you have a Ballroom crush? Yes
If not your current house what house? Free Agent
Who in the scene do you concider your rival? Icon Aaron Engmia
Who in your category do you wish you could battle? Stanley Milan
What category do you wish you could walk? Body
Who in the scene gives you the most valued advice? Icon Willie Ninja
Who in the scene do you dispise? LOL
Do you know your status? What is it? Statment
Other than your's, whats your favorite house? Milan, Omni, Ganza
Who is your favorite female figure? Mother Liyah Ninja
The highlight of your career thus far would be? Burgeon Bunny Ball 2003
Who in the scene do you always go up for? Jarvi Ninja, Jose X, Stanley Milan
Is there anything about the scene you would change if you could? Unworthy Status