Larry Dever profile picture

Larry Dever

About Me

One of my oldest memories is sitting on the edge of my parents bed and banging on dad's old Kay guitar. I must've been about 3 or 4. I said something like, "Look daddy, I can play guitar just like you."
I remember him laughing at me and telling me to keep it up.
I can recall my dad and my uncles sitting around the living room playing their flattop Martins long after the sun settled down over those green West Virginia hills. I guess that's why I still consider an old Martin to be the Holy Grail of guitars.
I wrote my first song when I was 13 and I've been writing ever since. It is deeply soul satisfying and I haven't found anything that gives me as much peace as picking up a guitar and sitting down to write a song.
I don't write songs to be commercial, non-commercial or anything else. I write songs to say what I want to say the way I want to say it ... and with my own unique voice. After all, you can't be unique or creative if you're copying or doing what everybody else is!

My Interests


Member Since: 5/6/2007
Influences: Strangely enough, my father and my uncles and other assorted hillbillies from Jordon Run, West Virginia. There's a sound that resonates from my childhood that will probably be with me 'til I die.
Sounds Like: For starters, I sound like me.

I started writing my own songs because I could never imitate anything I heard on the radio. I attribute that to lack of talent, consequently I had to cut my own path through the woods.

I don't seem to fit any particular genre because I always end up drawing outside the lines. I just call it "Larry Music" and leave it at that.

That usually leaves people confused enough ... and confusing people is probably part of my Gemini nature.
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Unsigned

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