Movies (Mainly older films. New films tend to be drawn out, like Peter Jackson's unnecessary remake of King Kong). Eating; Sleeping; Making fun of activists; Women bashing; Reading; American History; Film History; Singing (to myself while in the car); Writing; Dancing like an idiot; Growing out beards
Women! I could say I'd like to meet someone like Keanu Reeves, Bill Clinton, etc., but that would be bold faced lie. I'm a young, single male and right now I'm only interested in meeting women. Let me be specific I'm interested in meeting women who do not make bold claims like, "I'm not your typical woman." I'd like to meet women who get along with other women, not ones who want to be treated like one of the guys. I find it obnoxious when women bad mouth one another and some how act like they are different from the rest. Enough! Be happy with who you are, if you are a women, then for crying outloud be a women. Don't compromise your personality just so you can make friends, who more than likely won't last long if you are putting on an act. Well, I'm rambling again. I hope I haven't offended all the anti-women women out there.
You Are 44% Open Minded
You aren't exactly open minded, but you have been known to occasionally change your mind.
You're tolerant enough to get along with others who are very different...
But you may be quietly judgmental of things or people you think are wrong.
You take your own values pretty seriously, and it would take a lot to change them.
How Open Minded Are You?
Which South Park kid are you most like?
You are clever, and often come up with intelligent and funny comebacks to other people's stupid remarks.
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Another Stupid survey
What is your favorite song? Like a Rolling Stone
What is your least favorite song? Dream Girl by the boring ass Dave Matthews.
Do you like horror films? Yes
Do you watch the Oscars? Not anymore.
Is your work your life? No
Do you trust your friends? Some of them.
Do you watch football? Yes
Can living kill you? I'm sure it can.
Do you have a cell phone? Yes.
Is your cellphone a picture phone? No
Do you buys DVDs every Tuesday? No
Do you get frustrated when there are no good DVD sales at Best Buy? No
Do you like classic cinema? Yes
What is the greatest movie ever made? The General. Buster Keaton is a genius. If you have not seen this movie, I pity you. It slightly edges out the equally brilliant The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
Which is better: Teen Wolf or She's All That? Teen Wolf
Name a person cooler than Vincent Price. No one.
Which is more annoying: Anti-Bush activists or Pro-Bush activists? Anti-Bush activists, because they chant stupid phrases like, "Bush is a fascist!" When in reality if he was a fascist, they would all be exterminated for criticizing him.
Which do you prefer: Hollywood films or independent films? Hollywood films.
Which is funnier: South Park or Family Guy? South Park. New Family Guy is about as funny as a movie about the holocaust. Old Family Guy had a lot of good episodes, but they all pale in comparison to the genius of South Park
Who would win in a fight: Bill Clinton or Ringo Starr? Bill Clinton.
Which is more annoying: Women that hate other women or women obessed with popculture? Women that hate other women
Name a profession that is lamer than acting. Acting is the lamest profession on the planet.
Which is more annoying: Big budgeted anti-establishment films or Romantic comedies? I can't decide. It's a tie.
Who is hotter: Bob Dylan or David Byrne? David Byrne.
Do you like Kevin Federline? If so, what the hell is your problem? No
What's that on your chin? I don't know.
Do you think these pants make my butt look big? Yes
Really? Yes
Talking Heads (Best Band Ever); The Beatles; The Who; The Smiths; Buddy Holly; Elvis Presley; The Clash; Pink Floyd; Dead Kennedys; The Cure; Bob Dylan; The Band; Johnny Cash; Hank Williams (Senior, not junior); The Doors; Led Zeppelin; The Cars; John Denver; Creedence Clearwater Revival; Van Morrison; David Bowie; Fleetwood Mac; Classic rock
Vincent Price films; Buster Keaton; Jaws; The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly; Rear Window; Treasure of the Sierra Madre; The Adventures of Robin Hood; Stop Making Sense; The Godfather; The Searchers; Dr. Strangelove; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Patton; Planet of the Apes; Singin' in the Rain; M; Gremlins; American Graffiti;The Goonies; Teen Wolf; Kill Bill; It's a Wonderful Life; Spider-Man; The Hound of the Baskervilles (Peter Cushing); Ghostbusters; Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas; Seven Samurai; The Blues Brothers; Big Trouble in Little China; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; The Thing; Halloween; Psycho; Citizen Kane; Team America; Monty Python; Universal Monster movies; Hammer Horror Films; Sherlock Holmes series starring Basil Rathbone; Laurel and Hardy; Harold Lloyd; The Marx Brothers; Indiana Jones trilogy; Godzilla series; The original Star Wars trilogy; Police Academy series; The Evil Dead trilogy; Lord of the Rings trilogy;Teen comedies; Bad horror movies; Gangster movies; Religous epics; 50s sci-fi movies; and many more.
Batman: The Animated series; History programs; South Park; The Adventures of Superman (1950s TV Show); Football; Most Haunted; Shows about UFOs and paranormal activity;Married With Children; The Simpsons; He-Man; Conan O' Brien. That's about it.
And Then There Were None;The 50s;Chariots of the Gods?; Catcher in the Rye; The Great Movies;H.G. Wells novels; Cult Movies; The Mysterious Island; Dracula; The Twits and other Roald Dahl books; The Walrus Was Paul; Lord of the Rings; The Hobbit; Jurassic Park; History books, Books that debunk UFOs and the paranormal; In Cold Blood; The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich; Contempt;The Exorcist.
My crazy dad; Vincent Price; Buster Keaton; Martin Luther King; Charles M. Schulz; Jim Henson; Trey Parker; Steven Spielberg;Hunter S. Thompson; Harry Houdini; Theodore Roosevelt; James Stewart; Alfred Hitchcock; David Byrne; Roald Dahl; Roger Corman; Jesus Christ; Groucho Marx; Brett Favre; John Lennon; Luis Bunuel; W.C. Fields; Bob Dylan; George Washington; Harold Lloyd; Basil Rathbone; H.G. Wells; Orson Welles;Buddy Holly; Stanley Kubrick; John Huston; Al Bundy; Joe Dante; Samuel Z. Arkoff; Paul Blaisdell; Terry Gilliam; Jello Biafra; Roy William Neill; Ray Harryhausen; Sam Raimi; Bruce Campbell; Jeffrey Combs; Peter Cushing; Christopher Lee; Sergio Leone;Terence Fisher; Joseph Heller; Rod Serling; etc.