I enjoy life to the fullest!! I love music and dancing, friends and family, I work as a caregiver and also sell water at all the local Reggae concerts for Rennegade Productions. I AM THAT I AM
I am not your Venus De Milo,
Perfectly sculptured from marble to be carefully pedestal placed. My name is not Eve I offer you no temptation.
I am not your concubine by night,
Transformed to memory by day,
I am not the milk you thirst for,
Now dry in your mothers breast,
Nor could you call me queen,
For I have no denomination over beast,
Earth or man,
I am not a receptacle for the seed,
You discriminately cast in the wind,
I ask no sacrifice of the lambs blood for the stain would be mine,
Do not toss gold trinkets at my feet,
They do not shine for me,
I am no slave to the promise written in ink,
Where there is no master there are no chains to be broken,
Bondage is no glory,
I am woman,
Bone of your bones,
Flesh of your flesh,
When I am sleeping in your rib,
You call me no name,
Layout by CoolChaser